Winter 2024 FCIAAO Newsletter
ProfessionalDesignation News
The Tony Hodge Educational Award may be granted to FCIAAO regular members who earn their IAAO professional designation. The Executive Board shall recognize newly designated members at the successive FCIAAO Annual Conference and may present them with a $500 check. To be eligible, new designees must be a FCIAAO member (in good standing) for at least 24 consecutive months prior to being awarded their IAAO designation and receiving the award. Award recipients must be registered for the annual conference to participate in the awards program. New designees should email a copy of IAAO’s letter conferring the designation (or certificate) to It is the designee’s responsibility to provide proof of eligibility. Don’t miss out on being recognized as an industry leader Personal Property Specialist (PPS) : 3 years of experience in appraising any class of personal property or in administering a personal property valuation system. Residential Evaluation Specialist (RES) : 3 years of experience in appraising residential real property. For more information, visit, or contact Jarron Paronto at (816) 701-8137. Happy New Year from the FCIAAO Professional Designation Committee! Within the next month (or so) I will begin notifying chapter members who are eligible to receive the Tony Hodge Educational Award. Pursuant to FCIAAO Procedural Rules, award eligibility is as follows:
DID YOU KNOW? •IAAO is developing a Fast Track program where designees can complete educational requirements (online) for the RES, AAS, and MAS designations. •All IAAO professional designees are required to complete IAAO Workshop 171 during their 5- year renewal cycle. •Prior to receiving an IAAO professional designation, candidates are required to satisfy specific experience requirements, as follows: Assessment Administration Specialist (AAS) : 3 years of experience in the assessment field. Cadastral Mapping Specialist (CMS) : 3 years experience in cadastral mapping. Certified Assessment Evaluator (CAE) : 5 years of experience in property appraisal or assessment administration. Mass Appraisal Specialist (MAS) : 3 years of experience in mass appraisal of real property.
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