Winter 2024 FCIAAO Newsletter
Personal Property E XC E L L I NG I N
Nominations are now open for our yearly awards which will be presented in Orlando at the Business Meeting and Dinner on April 18. Established in 2017, the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Member of the Year Award are given to honor those members who have made outstanding contributions to the Chapter. Nominations Are Open! Seeking nominations for Lifetime Achievement and Member of the Year Awards for 2023-2024
Pre-Seminar Excel Workshop aims to strengthen spreadsheet skills
Prior to the Tangible Personal Property Seminar December 4 & 5, thirty students partook in a two-day Excel Workshop which focused on the basic concepts of the spreadsheet software. The aim of the course was to familiarize them with the fundamental features and functions of Excel they could use in their daily work. In 2022, we offered our first Excel workshop targeted at Tangible Personal Property and based on our feedback from that course, it was evident a beginning skills class was needed. The beginning Excel course is meant to
equip students with skills and tasks they would be using every day. Topics such as keyboard short-cuts, navigating a worksheet, formulas and functions and cut, copy and paste techniques are covered. The course then jumps into functions and formulas at more depth and then creating Pivot tables and filtering and sorting the data to streamline your data collection process. The course was lead by Christopher Duncan from CDA Graphic Design from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Student feedback was excellent and we will be offering more classes in the future. Our goal is to provide you with education and tools you can use everyday in your work.
Who will be this year’s recipients? It’s up to you!
To qualify for these awards, nominees must be a FCIAAO Regular, Subscribing or Associate Member who must be in good standing with at least 15 years of FCIAAO membership and who has made an outstanding contribution to the Chapter through active participation in its activities. In addition, they have contributed to the realization of the FCIAAO mission in his or her career. Nominations must be received by February 23, 2024 and must be submitted to the FCIAAO 2nd Vice President, Wynta Loughrey via email Upon receipt of the nominees, the Executive Board will use a majority vote to choose the recipient of the Member of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards for the 2023-2024 year
Instructor, Chris Duncan, leads the group through Excel exercises.
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