FCIAAO Summer 2023 Newsletter


What ’s one thing people would be surpr ised to know about you? In high school , I got the oppor tuni ty to work wi th NASA on the Student Launch Ini t iat ive project . I t gave high school s and col leges across the county the chal lenge to bui ld and launch rockets to col lect weather data. I had the pr ivi lege of work ing on the des ign team, being one of a few students in the school to have both draf t ing and des ign cer t i f icat ions of fered at our school (Autodesk Archi tecture and Sol idWorks Mechanical Des ign Associates) .

together . I t ’ s always fun for me to make something they al l enjoy . What is some of the best career advice you’ve been given? One of my ear ly managers told me “… every but ton on a machine i s meant to be pressed. Don’ t be af raid to break i t . ” Al though, work ing in manufactur ing, he meant that l i teral ly , I appl ied i t to everything that I do and i t real ly set the precedents of how I navigate my problem solving. I t ry not to be af raid of mak ing mi stakes because everything has a lesson to be learned wi thin i t . Now, I apply reasoning as to why I choose to “press a but ton, ” but the same think ing st i l l appl ies .




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