FCIAAO Summer 2023 Newsletter
Leon County Tal lahassee – Leon County Proper ty Apprai ser Ak in Ak inyemi , PhD, RA, CFA, CMS , has been selected as a par t icipant in Class 41 of the Leadership F lor ida Cornerstone Program. Fol lowing a compet i t ive appl icat ion process , Ak inyemi joins a class of senior- level leaders to par t icipate in the nine-month educat ional program focused on i ssues cr i t ical to F lor ida and ref ining wel l -developed leadership sk i l l s . “ I am honored to have the oppor tuni ty to meet and learn f rom some of the state’ s most exper ienced and inf luent ial communi ty leaders , ” Ak inyemi said. “ I ’m al so look ing forward to shar ing my own unique exper iences and perspect ives wi th my col leagues . I t i s an honor to be selected for such a prest igious oppor tuni ty . ” F i rst elected in 2016 and re elected in 2020, Ak inyemi serves the ci t i zens of Leon County as the elected proper ty apprai ser . He previous ly served as a Leon County Commi ss ioner f rom 2008 through 2012 af ter leading a regional archi tecture f i rm for over 20 years . From 2021 to 2022 , Ak inyemi served as pres ident of the F lor ida Associat ion of Proper ty Apprai sers and cont inues to serve as a member of the board of di rectors . Ak inyemi holds a Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Studies f rom F lor ida State Univers i ty , a Master of Archi tecture f rom F lor ida Agr icul tural & Mechanical
Univers i ty , a Bachelor of Science in Archi tecture & Hous ing Development f rom the Univers i ty of Minnesota, and a Bachelor of Science in Envi ronmental Des ign f rom the Univers i ty of Lagos . Leadership F lor ida i s a unique organi zat ion that takes a hol i st ic view of the condi t ions and chal lenges facing our great state and of fers a cont inuum for expanding the impact of communi ty leaders across the state. For over 40 years , Leadership F lor ida has engaged more than 3 , 300 leaders through a compet i t ive appl icat ion process who represent al l sectors of F lor ida’ s economy and ref lect the diverse demographics of the state.
Toot your own horn!
The Member News sect ion i s brand new to the news let ter and we want to highl ight your profess ional accompl i shments .
Kindly send any remarkable accompl i shments or achievements , deserv ing recogni t ion f rom yoursel f , col leagues , or staf f members , to thi s emai l address : f lor idachapter iaao@gmai l .com
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