FCIAAO Summer 2023 Newsletter

M E M B E R s p o t l i g h t

How long have you been employed by the PA? I have worked wi th Palm Beach County Proper ty Apprai ser ’ s Of f ice for a l i t t le under two and a hal f years . My previous exper ience i s vast ly di f ferent , as I worked wi th manufactur ing and mechanical engineer ing companies . What do you l ike most about your job? The great work envi ronment i s at the foref ront of the most l i kable things about the job. Everyone here t reats each other l i ke fami ly and i t i s a very easy envi ronment to funct ion, thr ive and grow in. Al so, I love the problem solving aspects of the jobs . I enjoy solving problems that don’ t have st raight forward solut ions , f rom chain of t i t les to cor rect ing proper ty boundary l ines in a way that makes sense for a whole area and even technical i ssues regarding our map program. I t al l makes the day so much more enjoyable.

Name : Jordan D. Mur ray County: Palm Beach County What do you do for the PA? My job t i t le i s GIS Technician I I . I am di rect ly respons ible for changes to the tax parcel boundar ies maps and legal descr ipt ions , maintaining accurate records of proper ty ownership, and responding to publ ic inqui r ies regarding our webs i te’ s map informat ion. I al so have the pr ivi lege of tak ing on occas ional special projects such as our migrat ion f rom ArcMaps to ArcGIS Pro. The sof tware needed to be t r ied and tested to ensure i t was something our of f ice was ready to do. Learning the sof tware over the course of a few weeks , then guiding coworkers through the changes to ensure a smooth t rans i t ion was a fun process . We learned ways to st reaml ine the migrat ion process for other edi tors by informat ion needed to car ry out our dai ly tasks . Now, I do the test ing for future major updates to the sof tware as way to ensure edi tors know what has been f i xed and what new bugs to expect dur ing thei r workf lows . Al so, I am leading the very ear ly stages of a pi lot project that wi l l di splay al l our county ’ s condo parcel s in 3D accurate to each uni t ’ s des ign wi thin the condo declarat ion, to then be publ i shed to our webs i te for the publ ic to see. creat ing ready-to-go templates wi th al l the


Where was your best vacat ion ever? I recent ly got into t ravel ing, so my l i st i s shor t , but my most enjoyable vacat ion was a t r ip to New York for the f i rst t ime. I went dur ing the spr ingt ime and the weather was amaz ing, the food was great , and the bui ldings were beaut i ful . The 9/ 1 1 memor ial was a great stop everyone should see at least once. I al so went to Cancun, Mex ico and i t was a very beaut i ful place wi th one of the most beaut i ful beaches I ’ ve ever seen. What are your hobbies and interests outside your job? I spend a lot of t ime wi th fami ly . I don’ t have chi ldren mysel f cur rent ly , so I spend a lot of t ime wi th my nephews and niece playing spor ts or buying them Legos and bui lding them together . I al so enjoy cook ing any and everything. I do i t most of ten for my gi r l f r iend, parents , and my three brothers at least twice a month when we al l get -



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