Winter 2024 FCIAAO Newsletter
The theme for this year’s conference will be A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away. Wear your favorite Star Wars attire for our Wednesday night welcome reception! Registration is now open! For those finishing up designations don’t forget to submit to receive the Tony Hodge award. More information is included in this issue of the Professional Designations Committee.
Thank you, Christopher D Mitts, PPS, CFE FCIAAO 2023-2024 Chapter President
Seminar provides education to TPP professionals
Thursday was a full day of conference sessions which included presentations on developments in the Electric industry, the allocation of property values in mixed-use properties, and sugarcane. Loren Levy, gave a Legislative and Legal Update related to personal property and also reviewed VAB Module 8 with the group. In the afternoon, Alex Ruden, an active magistrate, lead the group in a mock VAB hearing. We finished the day with the always popular “TPP Jeopardy” hosted by Neoto
On the final morning of the seminar, Gerry Hoeffner of Personal Dynamics Consulting, covered the topic of Workplace Communication, Complaints and Conflict. We finished the morning with a group roundtable session on Best Practices related to TPP. Our goal as a Chapter is to promote educational offerings for all chapter members. If you are interested in a specific TPP course or topic, please let us know.
In December, the FCIAAO held the annual Tangible Personal Property Seminar at the Embassy Suites Lake Buena Vista South December 6-8, 2023. We had 110 TPP Professionals attend this year’s Seminar. Seminar topics on Wednesday afternoon included “Contract Escalation Using the Producer Price Index” lead by Jay Patel, MS, who is a regional economist for the Southeast Office of Economic Analysis and Information. There was also a session on TPP Appraisal Modeling presented by Alex Ruden, ASA of Southeast Appraisal. Wednesday evening the Chapter hosted a Welcome Reception so attendees could mingle and network with fellow personal property colleagues.
McCollough from Escambia County.
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