2023 Winter Newsletter

2023 FCIAAO Winter Newsletter

Florida Chapter of IAAO

Winter 2023

Staying Appraised

2023 Annual Conference


President’s Message……….…….... 2

Please join us at the Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront for the 2023 FCIAAO Annual Conference. April 19 — 21, 2023. $160 FCIAAO Members and $195 Non Members Registration Now Open! See Flyer on Page 3. Full Agenda available soon!

Annual Conference News..….……. 3

Professional Des. News……….…. 4-5

Education Calendar……………….. 6

Member Spotlight………. .……...... 7

Best Practices……………… ….…... 8

Retirements .………………………... 9

2022 TPP Seminar News .….... . 10-11

2023 Conference News.…….. 12-13

In Memoriam………………….…... 14

Employment Opportunities…...… 17


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


2022-2023 FCIAAO


Happy New Year! I can ’ t believe 2022 is over and we are embarking on another new year! I hope everyone had a won derful holiday and was able to spend it with friends and family and hopefully enjoyed a few days off to recharge for the new year! Here ’ s to a wonderful 2023! Last month we held another successful TPP Seminar at the Embassy Suites in Kissimmee, Florida. The TPP Steering Committee hit it out of the park again with informative, relevant, and enter taining sessions! In addition, the brand new Pre - Conference Workshop “ Excel for TPP ’ was rolled out and was 100% filled to capacity. We hope those who were

PRESIDENT DeeDee Harnish, AAS, RES, CFE Director, Valuation Services Monroe County VICE PRESIDENT Christopher D. Mitts, PPS, CFE Appraisal & Automation Specialist St. Lucie County 2 ND VICE PRESIDENT Kevin D. Hayes, MAI, CAE, RES, CFE Deputy of Appraisals Pinellas County TREASURER A. Renee Large, AAS, EA, CFE Chief Administrative Officer Clay County SECRETARY Wynta Loughrey, RES, CFE Assistant Commercial Valuation Manager Sarasota County MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Kathy Rhodes, CFE Manager, Western Community Service Center Palm Beach County DIRECTOR Gina Fletcher, AAS, CPM, CFE Assistant Property Appraiser Leon County DIRECTOR Opal Hudson, CPM, CFE Assistant Chief Administrative Officer-Value Hillsborough County

DeeDee Harnish AAS, RES, CFE

able to attend the workshop walked away with some useful tools they can use in their everyday work tasks. So far, the feedback was excellent, and we are anticipating expanding this course to the other appraisal disciplines as well. Thank you, Chair Steve Weisman and your committee for your dedication to making this seminar top - notch! The FCIAAO Executive Board is hard at work on the 2023 Annual Confer ence which will be held at the Hilton Bayfront in St. Petersburg, Florida April 19 - 21. Pinellas County is this year ’ s host committee and will be assist ing us with conference preparation and hotel logistics. As our conferences continue to grow, having this assistance has been truly helpful. This year, we are also excited to announce a conference collaboration with the Florida As sociation of Cadastral Mappers (FACM). This group will be assisting with the IT/GIS Education Track and their members will be attending our confer ence as well. We are always looking for ways to enhance our conference and having FACM partner with us is a tremendous opportunity for both organi zations. The other Steering Committees are also hard at work on their edu cational tracks. A tentative schedule is included in this newsletter. Make sure you book your hotel reservations by March 27, 2023! As we embark on our busiest time of the year for the Board, we highly en courage you to reach out to one of us if you have an idea or suggestion for the conference or membership. We value all of you and your thoughts mat ter to us! For those finishing up designations, don ’ t forget to submit for the Tony Hodge Award. More information is included in this issue ’ s Professional Des ignation News or contact Tracy Drake, Chair Professional Designations Committee.

DIRECTOR Nikki Pontello, CFE Chief Administrative Officer St Johns County

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Kenny Pennington, CFE, CBC Chief Deputy Osceola County

I hope to see you all at the Annual Conference in April! Happy 2023!

Dee Dee Harnish, RES, AAS, CFE FCIAAO President, 2022 - 2023


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO




Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


The Florida Chapter of the International Association of Assessing Officers supports our members who are seeking professional designations through the IAAO. The FCIAAO Professional Designation Committee is dedicated to promoting awareness of the IAAO designation program by raising professional competence of assessment personnel through educa tion. This includes encouraging participation and providing candidates the appropriate tools, resources and technical assistance for success. IAAO is in the professional designation business ... and business has been good! The IAAO Professional Designation Program (PDP) confers six in ternationally recognized professional designations: • Assessment Administration Specialist (AAS)

• Certified Assessment Evaluator (CAE)

Hon. Tracy Drake, CFA, CAE, ASA, RES, AAS

• Mass Appraisal Specialist (MAS)

• Cadastral Mapping Specialist (CMS)

• Personal Property Specialist (PPS)

• Residential Evaluation Specialist (RES)

In recent years, the PDP has been amended to offer more flexibility and international appeal, while maintain ing the program ’ s integrity. Some of the changes include: educational alternatives to the Bachelor ’ s degree re quirement, and educational equivalencies and demonstration appraisal report waivers to associations and in stitutions such as the Appraisal Institute, the American Society of Appraisers and the University of British Co lumbia. As a result, the PDP has experienced unprecedented success – conferring almost 600 designations in the past five years. The RES and AAS designations have been the most popular and account for about 69 per cent of the total. To establish uniformity and consistency in ad valorem appraisals, it was necessary for mass appraisal concepts and applications to be developed and implemented. In the 1920’ s, John Zangerle, Cuyahoga County Assessor (and IAAO Past President) stated: “ The first important question confronting every public appraiser is whether to appraise on a uniform or on a particular basis ... [F]rom the standpoint of the public, nothing so stimulates resentment, revolution, and re bellion as a feeling of discrimination or favoritism in taxation ...The greatest asset of a real estate owner is his sense of security in the enjoyment of equality of appraisement with his neighbor. ” Ad valorem assessors and appraisers are required to wear many hats and need comprehensive skills in both mass and single - property appraisal. In practice, mass appraisal concepts and techniques are typically used to estimate the initial values for assessment roll purposes while single - property concepts and techniques are used to defend in administrative and judicial hearings. Through its evolution, mass appraisal as a professionally ac cepted valuation methodology, has enabled ad valorem assessors and appraisers worldwide to earn and main tain the public ’ s trust by systematically producing fair and equitable assessments. Assessors and appraisers are acutely aware of the principle of change – it ’ s a cornerstone of the profession. To maintain its position as the “ global leader and preeminent source of standards, professional development and research in property appraisal, assessment administration and property tax policy, ” it was necessary for IAAO to develop extensive mass appraisal education and provide a symbol of competency and professionalism in Mater atrium necessitas . Translation: necessity is the mother of invention.


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

mass appraisal theories, techniques and application through a professional designation. Like the RES, AAS, CMS and PPS designations, the MAS is a “ specialist ” designation intended to target IAAO ’ s core competency of mass appraisal and members who are highly skilled in its application. Many consider earning an IAAO designation to be one of the highest professional achievements an individual can obtain. Those who complete the rigorous, but rewarding process join an exclusive club of assessment profes sionals who are committed to excellence. The FCIAAO Professional Designation Committee is here to help – con tact an advisor today!

Tony Hodge Educational Award Eligibility

Effective January 1, 2022, the eligibility requirements for the Tony Hodge Educational Award are as follows:

The Tony Hodge Educational Award may be granted to FCIAAO regular members who earn their IAAO pro fessional designation. The Executive Board shall recognize newly designated members at the successive FCI AAO Annual Conference and may present them with a $500 check. To be eligible, new designees must be a FCI AAO member (in good standing) for at least 24 consecutive months prior to being awarded their IAAO desig nation and receiving the award. Award recipients must be registered for the annual conference to participate in the awards program. New designees should email a copy of IAAO ’ s letter conferring the designation (or certificate) to tdrake@ccpao.com. It is the designee ’ s responsibility to provide proof of eligibility . Don ’ t miss out on being recognized as an industry leader!


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Live Online | February 2023

IAAO 101: Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal

Live Online | February 2023

IAAO 331: Mass Appraisal Practices and Procedures

Live Online | March 2023

IAAO 102: Income Approach to Valuation

Live Online | March 2023

IAAO 112: Income Approach to Valuation

Live Online | March 2023

IAAO 300: Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal

Live Online | April 2023

IAAO 102: Income Approach to Valuation

Live Online | April 2023

IAAO 452: Fundamentals of Assessment Ratio Studies

Live Online | May 2023

IAAO 101: Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal

IAAO 102: Income Approach to Valuation

Live Online | May 2023

The IAAO sponsors and/or advertises the offerings listed above. For more details and to register online visit www.iaao.org

Virtual | February 21 - 24

IAAO 400:Assessment Administration

Virtual | March 20 - 23

IAAO 102: Income Approach to Valuation

Virtual | April 10 - 13

IAAO 101: Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal

IAAO 600: – Principles and Techniques of Cadastral Mapping

Virtual | April 24 - 27

IAAO 402: Tax Policy

Virtual | May 8 - 11

IAAO 101: Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal Live Online | May 8 - 11

Virtual | May 22 - 25

IAAO 311: Real Property Modeling Concepts

The Florida DOR sponsors the offerings listed above. For more details and to register, email PTOTraining@floridarevenue.com


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Name: Brandy Pouchie

County: Hillsborough County

What do you do for the PA? Senior Valuation Analyst/ Manager of the Tangible Personal Property Department.

How long have you been employed by the PA? I started with the Property Appraiser's office in 12/93 as a temporary employee then hired permanently February 13,1995. In 2000, I left for a year and returned 06/1/2001.

What do you like most about your job? The relation ships I have developed with my team members. People genu inely care about each other and work together as a team. I also feel like management trusts my decisions and supports me in my daily work.

Where was your best vacation ever? Visiting Roatan, Honduras. It was truly a tropical para dise. Everyday was a new experience. I visited an iguana farm, took a tour of the island with a lo cal resident, snorkeled, ate delicious food, and enjoyed lounging at their beautiful beaches.

What are your hobbies and interests outside your job? My hobbies range from outdoor activities such as biking, team sports and fitness to coloring and working on puzzles.

What is some of the best career advice you ’ ve been given? Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. The journey may not always be pleasurable but it will be rewarding.

What ’ s one thing people would be sur prised to know about you? I am currently working towards competing in my first fit ness competition. I am not sure at this time, if I will be entering the Bikini or Wellness com petition. Only time will tell.

Photo: Pouchie Town, Honduras


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


IAAO has a wealth of Standards “ intended to guide property tax assessment officials, tax policy analysts, and administrators ” (IAAO.org). To learn more, please visit the TECHNICAL STANDARDS page of IAAO.

ATTENTION! If your office has implemented an innovated Best Prac tice, found a solution to an assessment problem, or received recognition for your awesome work, FCIAAO would love to share it with our mem bership. Please email Director OPAL HUDSON with the story, county logo, and any relevant pics so we can put you in our spotlight!


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Congratulations to those individuals below who recently retired or who plan to do so in the near future. The FCIAAO thanks you for your hard work and dedication, and wishes you much happi ness in your new chapter of life!


Title at Retirement


Years of Service

Doug Smith

Appraiser III

Hillsborough County


Action Requested

Are you or a member of your office retiring? Or maybe you already have. We want to know and celebrate you! Please send all notices of retirement to Director OPAL HUDSON. Be sure to include name, county, title at time of retirement, and years of service. Retirement announcements will be published in our quarterly newsletter.


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


The 2022 Annual TPP Seminar took place in December, just before the holidays, at the Embassy Suites in Kissimmee. The event showcased a fabulous game of Jeopardy, hosted by Palm Beach County ’ s very own, Steve Weissman , and a mock Angels and Demons VAB Hearing. Lots of learning was had by all, sprinkled with a bit of fun, networking, and catching up with distant indus try friends.


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Presenter materials from the TPP seminar are available on our website, FCIAAO.org

FCIAAO Board of Directors would like to thank every presenter, vendor, and member who helped make this annual seminar such a success! We ’ re already looking forward to next year!


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Registration Soon: April 19 - 21

Click HERE to learn more about the city and what it has to offer. Start planning your trip today! Visit FCIAAO.org for more details soon.

St. Petersburg, Florida


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Save the Dates: August 27 - 30

Click HERE to learn more about the city and what it has to offer. Start planning your trip today! Visit IAAO.org for more details soon.

Salt Lake City, Utah


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


The Florida Chapter would like to honor those who have contributed to the assessment community. Please send ‘In Memory of’ submissions to Director Opal Hudson. Announcements will be published in our quarterly newsletter.


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Position Available


GIS Cadastral Mapper

Brevard County

Commercial Field Appraiser I

Charlotte County

Mapping Appraisal Tech

Charlotte County

Senior Revenue Consultant

Florida DOR, PTO

Commercial Appraiser

Duval County


Escambia County

Field Inspector Field Appraiser

Hernando County

Hillsborough County Indian River County Indian River County Indian River County

Residential Appraiser I

Residential Appraiser II Residential Appraiser III

Various Positions

Manatee County

Tax Roll Department Manager Trainee

Martin County

Various Positions

Orange County

GIS Developer

Osceola County

Commercial Appraiser

Osceola County

Commercial Appraiser II

Pinellas County

Commercial Appraiser II

Polk County

Commercial Manager

Putnam County

Various Positions Various Positions

Saint Lucie County

Sarasota County

Public Service Specialist

Seminole County

Property Analyst Specialist

Volusia County

Chief Property Appraiser

Wakulla County

Commercial Appraiser

Walton County

To post a job opportunity on the FCIAAO website, please email your job posting to Direc tor WYNTA LOUGHREY . It is the policy of the Chapter to only post job opportunities for member jurisdictions and subscribing member entities.

Click HERE to view more information on the FCIAAO Employment Opportunities page.


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

Mission Statement

“ FCIAAO is a statewide community of mass appraisal experts, who offer education and profes

sional development opportunities in ad valorem appraisal, administration, and tax policy. ”

A publication by the Florida Chapter of International Association of Assessing Officers


Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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