2023 Winter Newsletter
2022-2023 FCIAAO
Happy New Year! I can ’ t believe 2022 is over and we are embarking on another new year! I hope everyone had a won derful holiday and was able to spend it with friends and family and hopefully enjoyed a few days off to recharge for the new year! Here ’ s to a wonderful 2023! Last month we held another successful TPP Seminar at the Embassy Suites in Kissimmee, Florida. The TPP Steering Committee hit it out of the park again with informative, relevant, and enter taining sessions! In addition, the brand new Pre - Conference Workshop “ Excel for TPP ’ was rolled out and was 100% filled to capacity. We hope those who were
PRESIDENT DeeDee Harnish, AAS, RES, CFE Director, Valuation Services Monroe County VICE PRESIDENT Christopher D. Mitts, PPS, CFE Appraisal & Automation Specialist St. Lucie County 2 ND VICE PRESIDENT Kevin D. Hayes, MAI, CAE, RES, CFE Deputy of Appraisals Pinellas County TREASURER A. Renee Large, AAS, EA, CFE Chief Administrative Officer Clay County SECRETARY Wynta Loughrey, RES, CFE Assistant Commercial Valuation Manager Sarasota County MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Kathy Rhodes, CFE Manager, Western Community Service Center Palm Beach County DIRECTOR Gina Fletcher, AAS, CPM, CFE Assistant Property Appraiser Leon County DIRECTOR Opal Hudson, CPM, CFE Assistant Chief Administrative Officer-Value Hillsborough County
DeeDee Harnish AAS, RES, CFE
able to attend the workshop walked away with some useful tools they can use in their everyday work tasks. So far, the feedback was excellent, and we are anticipating expanding this course to the other appraisal disciplines as well. Thank you, Chair Steve Weisman and your committee for your dedication to making this seminar top - notch! The FCIAAO Executive Board is hard at work on the 2023 Annual Confer ence which will be held at the Hilton Bayfront in St. Petersburg, Florida April 19 - 21. Pinellas County is this year ’ s host committee and will be assist ing us with conference preparation and hotel logistics. As our conferences continue to grow, having this assistance has been truly helpful. This year, we are also excited to announce a conference collaboration with the Florida As sociation of Cadastral Mappers (FACM). This group will be assisting with the IT/GIS Education Track and their members will be attending our confer ence as well. We are always looking for ways to enhance our conference and having FACM partner with us is a tremendous opportunity for both organi zations. The other Steering Committees are also hard at work on their edu cational tracks. A tentative schedule is included in this newsletter. Make sure you book your hotel reservations by March 27, 2023! As we embark on our busiest time of the year for the Board, we highly en courage you to reach out to one of us if you have an idea or suggestion for the conference or membership. We value all of you and your thoughts mat ter to us! For those finishing up designations, don ’ t forget to submit for the Tony Hodge Award. More information is included in this issue ’ s Professional Des ignation News or contact Tracy Drake, Chair Professional Designations Committee.
DIRECTOR Nikki Pontello, CFE Chief Administrative Officer St Johns County
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Kenny Pennington, CFE, CBC Chief Deputy Osceola County
I hope to see you all at the Annual Conference in April! Happy 2023!
Dee Dee Harnish, RES, AAS, CFE FCIAAO President, 2022 - 2023
Winter 2023 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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