2017 WinterNnewsletter

Florida Chapter of IAAO

Winter 2017

30TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2017 Our Annual Business Meeting and Conference will be held on April 26-28, 2017, at the Marriott Hutchinson Island. It is the Chapter’s 30th Anniversary and we will be celebrating this milestone! Hutchinson Island is located off the coast of Martin and St. Lucie counties on a barrier island. It is home to the Elliot Museum, the historic House of Refuge and the Florida Oceanographic Society. It will also be an excellent time of year to enjoy the miles of sandy beaches. This year we will be offering IAAO Workshop 260-Valuation of Agricultural Land on Monday, Tuesday and half of Wednesday. Pat Alesandrini will be the instructor . The conference will kick-off on Wednesday afternoon and run through Friday at noon. A legislative update, a legal update and three educational tracks will round out the days. The banquet on Thursday night will be something you don’t want to miss...so stay tuned! The committees are putting the finishing touches on the education tracks that will be offered. As soon as they are complete, you will receive an e-mail with all the details. STAYING APPRAISED

INSIDE THIS ISSUE President’s Message ........... 2 IAAO Class Calendar ......... 3 Member Spotlight ………... 4-5 TPP Workshop & Seminar ... 6-7 DOR Workshop ..................... 8 County Spotlight .................. 9 Prof. Designation News ....... 10 Job Opportunities ................ 11

2016-2017 FCIAAO EXECUTIVE BOARD PRESIDENT Brian Loughrey, CFE Administrative Director Sarasota County


What a year. Can you believe it’s over already? I think there may have even been a Presidential election, if memory serves… The Florida Chapter had another great year. Our conference in April was very well received, and thanks to the support of our vendors we en-

VICE PRESIDENT Tracy Drake, CAE, RES, AAS, CFE Assistant Property Appraiser Clay County 2 ND VICE PRESIDENT Katie Casey, CFE Senior Projects Administrator Seminole County TREASURER Justin Edwards, CFE Office Operations Supervisor Putnam County

Brian Loughrey, CFE

joyed some premium breaks and a welcome reception from Thomson Reuters. We will try to keep the momentum going in 2017, with the Tangible Personal Property Seminar being moved to January 25 at the request of the members. The TPP steering committee has done another outstanding job putting together a quality program, and in addition to the seminar they are offering IAAO workshop 552-Basic Per- sonal Property Auditing. It was a rewarding year at the IAAO conference in Tampa. The Chapter won Outstanding Chapter of the Year for a staggering 19th time! This was the fourth year in a row that we won this prestigious award. Chapter Vice President Tra- cy Drake took home the Member of the Year award and Chapter Past President Doug Will received the Instructor of Excellence award. Executive Board member Pat Alesan- drini and coauthor (and former Executive Board member) Tim Wilmath won the Donehoo Essay award. Congratula- tions again to these deserved winners. On April 26 we will reconvene at the Hutchinson Island Mar- riott Beach Resort and Marina for our annual conference and business meeting. We look forward to a warm wel- come from Hon. Laurel Kelly, Property Appraiser for Martin County. The Executive Board has already secured some energetic speakers for the Wednesday plenary session and I know the Real Property, IT/GIS and Exemption steering committees are putting the finishing touches on their re- spective agendas. They have used your feedback from the conference critique forms to drive the conference con-

SECRETARY Wendy Sapp, CFE Administrative Analyst II Alachua County

MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Interim, Katie Casey, CFE Senior Projects Administrator Seminole County

DIRECTOR Pat Alesandrini, MAI, SRA, CAE, RES Asst. Chief Deputy of Valuation Hillsborough County

DIRECTOR Kenny Pennington, CFE, CBC Chief Deputy Osceola County DIRECTOR Dee Dee Harnish, CFE Director, Valuation Services Monroe County IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Todd Finlayson, CFE Director of TPP St. Lucie County

Winter 2017 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

tent for this year. These volunteer committee members work hard to being you relevant and timely educational sessions and we owe a debt of gratitude to them. Speaking of volunteers, as I have mentioned before it’s never too late to submit your name for consideration to serve on a committee. Reach out to any existing members or complete the bottom of the conference critique when you attend this year. On behalf of the Executive Board, I would like to wish you and your families a wonderful holi- day and happy and healthy New Year.

Your FCIAAO President, Brian Loughrey, CFE

The Florida Department of Revenue would like to remind everyone the e-mail extension and website address for the Department has changed. The new website is Florida- Revenue.com. The e-mail extensions for staff is now @floridarevenue.com. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE CHANGE OF WEBSITE & EMAIL


TPP Education Week (IAAO Workshop 552 & Conference)

Lake Mary

January 23-27

DOR Aid & Assistance Workshop -Time Trend Analysis

Lake Mary

January 31-February 1

IAAO 102 Income Approach to Valuation 1


March 6-10

IAAO 201 Appraisal of Land 1


March 6-10

IAAO 312 Commercial/Industrial Modeling Concepts 1


March 6-10

IAAO 331 Mass Appraisal Practices and Procedures 1


March 6-10

IAAO 400 Assessment Administration 1


March 6-10

1 For details contact Meghan Miller (727) 588-6856

Winter 2017 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Name: County:

Melissa Chandler, SRA, CFE



Residential Real Estate Assessment Manager

What do you do for the PA? I work in the residential real estate assessment department. In Or- ange County, we value about 345,000 residential parcels and

Melissa Chandler

56,000 condominium parcels valued at almost $72 billion. In addition to residential valua- tions, I chair the department’s unofficial Fun Committee, bringing food, friends, and fun to- gether. How long have you been employed by the PA? I have started working for OCPA just over two years ago. I came from fee appraisal work and am still learning the ropes of ad valorem valuation. I still feel like I’m new! What do you like most about your job? Along with my team, I enjoy the ever-changing tasks. With the cyclical nature of the ad val- orem business, you never have a chance to get bored. Just when you’ve finished your val- ues, it’s time to switch gears and get ready for hearings with the VAB. No to mention, we get to see some luxurious homes of celebrities, like Prince Fielder, Shaq, and Tiger Woods. What do you find challenging about your job? No two properties are alike. It’s a double edge sword. The complexity of property valuation and statutes make it difficult and intriguing at the same time. What was your first job? When I was 16, I was a life guard and taught swimming lessons at Camp Echockotee, a local Boy Scout Camp. I taught elementary and special needs children. What are your hobbies?

Sports are a big part of my life. In addition to traveling to sporting events, I also enjoy scuba diving, traveling, going to the beach,

and pretty much anything with water. What was your best vacation ever?

I won tickets to the last home game at Texas Stadium and the first home game at Cowboys Stadium. As a huge Cowboys fan, I loved getting to stand on the star at midfield and wave to the crowd as

Winter 2017 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


they announced me as the winner. An NFL photographer took my photo and Jerry Jones even signed it! Go Cowboys! Do you have any advice for new Property Appraiser employees? Don’t be overwhelmed with all of the rules and information. It will take time, and by that, I’m two years in and still don’t claim to know it all. Be open to change. The statutes and rules change, so be flexibly to adapt. Find a buddy. The CAMA system is complicated- like Oz. Having a buddy to help you down the yellow brick road of valuation makes the trip much more fun!


Winter 2017 Newsletter of the FCIAAO




Session Name IAAO Workshop 552 Basic Personal Property Auditing IAAO Workshop 552 Basic Personal Property Auditing IAAO Workshop 552 Basic Personal Property Auditing - EXAM


Monday 1/23/2017 8:00-5:00

Lisa A. Hobart, PPS, ASA

Tuesday 1/24/2017 8:00-5:00

Lisa A. Hobart, PPS, ASA

8:00- 11:30

Lisa A. Hobart, PPS, ASA

Christopher D Mitts, CFE, TPP Appraiser III, St Lucie County, TPP Steering Committee Chair



VAB Prep-House Bill 499

Gaylord “Jay” Wood, Esq.


Wednesday 1/25/2017




Moderator: Gwen Klaiber, CFE, Tan- gible Personal Property Manager, Citrus County Special Masters: Robert Sutte, CRE, MAI, SRA Reginald Carter, ASA, SRA, MRICS Robert Broome, ASA, CMEA, CSBA TBA

Back for More! VAB Special Masters Speak!


Welcome Reception

Welcome Reception


9:00- 10:15 10:15- 10:30 10:30- 12:00

Kevin Snow, Consultant for Property Tax, AT&T Wireless

ATT Mobility



Wireless Communications Local Valuation

Gregory P Popham (Principal) - CRED Consulting

Thursday 1/26/2017

12:00- 1:30


Lunch - on your own

Survival Analysis: Basics and Relationship to Value

Wade Barber, CAE, Chief Deputy Property Appraiser, Pasco County





Christopher D Mitts, CFE, TPP Appraiser III, St Lucie County

TPP Excel and more IT Fun


Winter 2017 Newsletter of the FCIAAO




Session Name


Moderator: Steve Weissman, RES, CFE, Personal Property Manager, Palm Beach County Grace Pope, CFE, Director of TPP, Orange County Bob Brunk, Manager of TPP, Sarasota County Gwen Klaiber, CFE, Tangible Per- sonal Property Manager, Citrus County Kim Delano, CFE, Director Tangi- ble Personal Property, Marion County Chris Mitts, CFE, TPP Appraiser III, St Lucie County

TPP Panel-Office Polic- es


Friday 1/27/2017

9:45- 10:15 10:15- 12:00



Moderator: Christopher D Mitts, CFE, TPP Appraiser III, St Lucie County

Q&A Roundtable/Open Discussion

All Times for the presentations are subject to change


There is still time to register!

When: Cost FCIAAO Member Cost Non-Member Deadline to Register:

January 23-25,2017

January 25-27,2017

$275* $305*

$55 $85

January 2, 2017

January 2, 2017

Late Registration:

$10 additional fee

$10 additional fee

Hotel Info:

Hotel Room Rate:

$119 Single - includes breakfast voucher * $131 Double - includes breakfast voucher

The Westin Lake Mary, Orlando North

2974 International Pkwy

Lake Mary, Florida 32746 * There are a limited number of rooms available at the discounted rate when reservations are made by January 2, 2017. Please click link below for Reservations or call (800) 937-8461 and reference the "TPP Seminar Room Block" https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/events/start.action?id=1607293108&key=1262846F

Winter 2017 Newsletter of the FCIAAO



Description Property Tax Oversight offers this workshop as aid & assistance for property appraisers and their staff. The department has been using a time trended sales ratio methodology for analyzing as- sessment rolls since 2011. This methodology increases the statistical reliability and accuracy of ratio studies, and counties can use it to test rolls before submitting them to the department. Dur- ing the workshop, instructors will demonstrate the methodology using real data. This workshop will provide:  an introduction to the fundamentals and principles of adjusting sales for market conditions. Day 1 will be lecture, and day 2 will be hands-on time trending exercises using Excel and pre- pared sales datasets. Participants should bring a laptop with MS Excel (version 2010 and above) already loaded, the Analysis Tool Pack and the Analysis Tool Pack - VBA enabled. Excel macros, SPSS syntax, and data sets will be available at registration check-in. Day 2 will also include an overview of the SPSS syntax, which counties can use instead of Excel for larger datasets or more complex analyses. Participant Information Participants should bring a laptop that fits the specifications above, laptop power cord, extension cord, paper, writing utensil(s), and a jacket or sweater. We recommend participants read pages 147–166 of the Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal textbook before attending. This textbook is available for purchase directly through the IAAO store. The workshop will begin at 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, January 31, 2017. You may sign in and pick up your course manual at either of the following times:  specific information about DOR’s sales ratio time trending method.  criteria for determining the inclusion or exclusion of sales in the analysis.  tools to determine the most appropriate analysis based on the data.

Monday, January 30, 2017, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 31, 2017, 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Orlando Marriott Lake Mary (1501 International Parkway, Lake Mary, Florida)

Hotel Accommodations We have reserved a block of rooms at the Orlando Marriott Lake Mary. Please make your reserva- tions directly with the hotel by January 13, 2017, using the group name “Time Trend Workshop” to receive our group rate of $119 single/$129 double per night (rate includes a full buffet breakfast). You can make reservations by calling 1-800-380-7724. Register online at https://taxapps.floridarevenue.com/PtoRegPublic/ JANUARY 23, 2017. FREE REGISTRATION.

Winter 2017 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Monroe County is the southernmost county in the State of Florida and the United States. On July 2, 1823, an act of the Territorial Legislature established Monroe County as the 6th county in the Florida territory. Monroe County was named after then President James Monroe, our 5th U.S. President, who served between 1817 and 1825. The county seat for Monroe is Key West which at the time it was incor- porated in 1828, had a population of just 600 people. By 1890, the pop- ulation of Key West was nearly 18,800 residents and it claimed to be the biggest and richest city in Florida. Today, the population in Key West is approximately 26,000 full-time residents with 77,482 residing county-wide.

Honorable Scott P. Russell, CFA

The county is made up of the Florida Keys and portions of the Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve. These parks are mostly uninhabited mainland areas. Most known are the Florida Keys, with its string of islands connected by 42 bridges along U.S. High- way 1, 150 miles southwest of Miami. Monroe County is the largest county in Florida by total area! Eighty-seven percent of the county’s land is on the mainland. Over 99% of the popula- tion, however, lives in the Florida Keys. The Florida Keys is known for its exciting water activities, landmarks and eclectic history. Key Largo has some of the best diving in the world as it is home to the only living coral reef in the U.S. Traveling a little farther down the chain is Islamorada, the sport-fishing Capital of the World. Marlin, tuna and Dolphin are the fish of choice. Once you reach the middle of the chain of islands, you will encounter the Seven-Mile Bridge. It has been the site of several mov- ies including True Lies and is a truly man-made feat thanks to Henry Flagler. With the Atlantic on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other, it is definitely a sight to see . Finally at the end of the island chain is the City of Key West, home of Ernest Hemingway, the famous Duval Street, The Little White house where many past presidents vacationed and the Southernmost Point, of course!

2016 Tax Roll At‐A‐Glance

Real Property Parcels


Tangible Accounts


Just (Market) Value


Taxable Value




Hon. Scott P. Russell, CFA | first elected in 2012| Web: http://qpublic.net/fl/monroe

Winter 2017 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Ever thought of obtaining an IAAO Designation? An IAAO professional designation is a symbol of knowledge, experience and competence recognized around the globe. Is it for You? Any professional who aspires to advance their career in appraising, mapping, property assessment and property tax policy at any level - in government or in the private sector - should have an IAAO designa- tion. Benefits

Tracy S. Drake, CAE, RES, AAS, CFE

Designated members can earn an increase in salary and responsibility. A designation in- stantly establishes your qualifications and credibility and is a universal, portable measure of your capabilities recognized around the world. Designees report gaining confidence in their abilities and the respect of their peers and those they serve. Earning a designation is a re- warding experience, demonstrating that you have attained the highest level of profession- alism. Requirements To earn an IAAO Designation, one must be an IAAO member in good standing and com- plete the requirements for the particular designation pursued. Each designation has experi- ential, educational, demonstration project, and examination requirements. Learn More For more information or a candidacy application, please contact Jarron Paronto via email at paronto@iaao.org or by phone at 816-701-8137. You may also download a promotional flyer about the designation program and a brochure on designations and education re- quirements at www.iaao.org. Don’t forget ... the Tony Hodge Educational Award is now $500! At the 2017 Annual Conference in Hutchinson Island, the Executive Board will recognize the hard work of new designees. To be eligible, new designees must be a FCIAAO member in good standing for 12 months prior to being awarded their IAAO designation. New designees must provide a copy of IAAO’s letter conferring designation, or a copy of the designation certificate to tdrake@ccpao.com . Attention IAAO Professional Designation Candidates/New Designees!


Winter 2017 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Commercial Valuation Manager

Brevard County

GIS Cadastralist

Brevard County

Sr Appraiser—Tallahassee

FL Dept of Revenue

Commercial Appraisal Specialist

Orange County

Residential Analyst

Orange County

Residential Field Appraiser

Orange County

GIS Mapping Specialist

Osceola County

Residential Appraiser

Sarasota County

Programmer Analyst II

St. Lucie County

Server Administrator

St. Lucie County

Fciaao dues renewal Just a reminder, the 2017 FCIAAO dues should be paid by 1/31/2017. You can pay online by logging in to www.fciaao.org !

The IAAO Conference will be held in Las Vegas September 24-27, 2017 Visit www.iaao.org for more info


Winter 2017 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

APPRAISAL TERMINOLOGY 101 BENEFICIAL INTEREST— The prop- erty interests resulting from equitable ownership in a property rather than legal ownership; for example, the interests of a beneficiary of a trust.

UPCOMING IAAO WEBINARS January 18 — Excel Can Do That? February 8 — What GIS/CAMA practices can do for you! March 15 — Strengthen your professional image April 19 — Use of expert witnesses and evi- dence in tax appeals

Source: Glossary for Property Appraisal and As- sessment .

Visit www.iaao.org for more info and regis- tration.

Mission Statement

“To offer relevant educational opportunities in ad valorem appraisal and administration,

and to promote professional development of our members.”

A publication by the Florida Chapter of International Association of Assessing Officers

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