2014 Summer Newsletter
The 2014 – 2015 FCIAAO year began with a good start at the recent Annual Conference and Installation held in Ft. Lauderdale at Pier 66 Hyatt Regency with almost 200 attendees on April 30 th . Prior to the beginning of the conference, IAAO Instructor Pat Alesandrini conducted an IAAO Forum on Tuesday entitled: ―How to Critique an Appraisal‖ (917). Over 30 attendees took advantage of the opportunity – be sure to sign up for next year’s pre-conference forum in advance.
Opening the General Session was IAAO President Kim Lauffer followed by Broward County Property Appraiser, Lori Parrish, who welcomed our attendees to her county. Following these welcoming comments were several informative presentations and the recognition of the 2014 ―Tony Hodge Award‖ designees. Professional Designee Chairman Michael Chaves recognized 14 new designees! The first day of the conference ended with a Welcome Reception hosted by Thompson Reuters. Thursday began the Real Property, Exemption, and IT/GIS Education Tracks arranged by the respective committees. These committees have been working diligently the past few months to provide exciting topics and speakers. Attendees received CE credits for their attendance. If you were unable to attend, you will find informational presenter materials on the FCIAAO website. Thursday evening festivities kicked off with a reception that included a photo booth sponsored by Bruce Harris and attendees enjoyed setting up candid shots with fellow members. The Annual Business meeting followed and recognition of special attendees, committee members and new designees. Officers for 2014 – 2015 were installed and included: Alice Weinberg (President); Todd Finlayson (1 st Vice President); Brian Loughrey (2 nd Vice President); Tracy Drake (Secretary); Justin Edwards (Treasurer); Katie Casey (Membership Director); Marsha Coleman (Director); Pat Alesandrini (Director) and John Watterson (Director). Neil Nikkinen will serve as Immediate Past President. The Installing Officers were IAAO President, Kim Lauffer and Seminole County Property Appraiser, David Johnson. The conference ended mid-day Friday and began with a networking breakfast for attendees and a separate breakfast for committee members. Following breakfast, final presentations included a Legislative Update by Honorable Lake County Property Appraiser Carey Baker and Legal Update by Gaylord ―Jay‖ Wood, Esquire.
If you missed this year’s conference, be sure to plan on attending next year’s to be held: Wednesday, April 15 -17 th (2015) in Osceola County at the Embassy Suites (Orlando-Lake Buena Vista South) located at 4955 Kyngs Heath Road, Kissimmee, Florida. The FCIAAO conference committee is excited about holding our conference in this county, hosted by Osceola County Property Appraiser, Katrina Scarborough! Make plans to attend!
Summer 2014 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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