2014 Summer Newsletter
At each IAAO Annual Conference, individual and organizational achievements in the assessment industry are recognized during the Awards Luncheon. One award of particular interest to the FCIAAO is the Outstanding Chapter/Affiliate of the Year (COY) Award. This award is conferred on an IAAO chapter or affiliate organization that has made an outstanding contribution to the realization of the mission of IAAO. The FCIAAO diligently pursues the goal of being one of the best chapters in the world. Our commitment to that goal has resulted in receiving the COY Award a record sixteen (16) times! Over the past year the FCIAAO Executive Board made some exciting changes , including a new logo and website, new Facebook and LinkedIn pages, recently adopted Procedural Rules, restructured committees, and online payment capability for conferences, seminars and membership dues.
On May 1 st , our submission was sent to the IAAO for consideration of this prestigious award. The submission may be viewed on the chapter’s website.
IAAO will be celebrating their 80th anniversary at the 2014 Annual Conference August 24—27 in Sacramento, California.
IAAO will host over 100 IAAO Representatives, and Chapter and Affiliate leaders at a reception to be held at the upcoming Annual Conference in Sacramento, California. This not to be missed event provides a platform for the exchange of ideas as well as to celebrate the best IAAO has to offer. Historically, it is a ―speed brainstorming session‖ on a wide array of topics and allows networking for attendees. Your Chapter President and Florida Representatives will be there supporting the Florida Chapter IAAO!
Visit conference.iaao.org for more details!
IAAO Florida Representatives: Lainie Claudio—Marion County Sheila Crapo—Alachua County Dorothy Jacks—Palm Beach County
Summer 2014 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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