2014 Fall Newsletter
(Continued from page 4)
starting an Asia-Pacific Chapter of IAAO. Currently, IAAO has Representatives in a number of countries, but a new international Chapter outside of North-America will be a first. Stay tuned as details are discussed - IAAO leadership and committees will work on this idea in the fall at Leadership Days, a meeting of all IAAO committee participants, which Florida can proudly claim a number. Meeting our peers from other nations can be very rewarding, it is good to know that the issues and challenges we face day to day; valuing complex properties, explaining our roll in the world of taxation to the public we serve and working with other governmental agencies is not limited to Florida, or the United States but are the same the world over - we are part of a very large community of professionals.
Dorothy Jacks and Greg Stevens, Manager of Property Services for the City of Mel- bourne, Australia discuss the possibility of an Asia-Pacific IAAO Chapter
Dorothy Jacks, CFE, AAS
Past-President - FCIAAO
Chief Deputy - Palm Beach County Property Appraiser
Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration Presented to Florida Chapter Jurisdiction!
Hillsborough County, Florida was formally recognized at the IAAO Annual Conference Closing Dinner and presented the Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration. Property Appraiser Bob Henriquez accepted the certificate along with a few of his key staff members. Hillsborough County is the 11 th Florida jurisdiction to receive the certificate and the 28 th in the nation and internationally. This honor provides yet another level of professionalism to our industry and FCIAAO is proud to have so many of our members be part of this level of excellence. Alachua County was the first IAAO member to receive this honor and they lead the way for others. Congratulations Hillsborough County!
Fall 2014 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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