Summer 2024 FCIAAO Newsletter

M E M B E R s p o t l i g h t

Tel l us about your educat ion and designat ion journey. Before star t ing my career wi th NCPA, I at tended Watson School of Real Estate where I pursued a real estate l icense. I then at tended F lor ida State Col lege at Jacksonv i l le where I obtained a bachelor ’ s degree (B. S . ) in bus iness admini st rat ion. As my knowledge of the of f ice Internat ional Associat ion of Assess ing Of f icers ( IAAO) , where I have obtained my Cer t i f ied F lor ida Evaluator (CFE) des ignat ion. The fundamental s of apprai sal , valuat ion, cadast ral mapping, and admini st rat ion courses prov ided by IAAO have helped educate me in my journey wi th the NCPA. I have al so enjoyed being on the Exempt ions Steer ing Commi t tee thi s year , where I have been gi ven the oppor tuni ty to be the commi t tee chai r thi s upcoming year . What ’s one thing people would be surpr ised to know about you? I ’m ter r i f ied of l i zards and f rogs , and I love a chal lenge. expanded, I became interested in tak ing courses wi th the

County: Nassau County Name : Nek i sha Smi th


What do you do for the PA? I ’m the Di rector of Customer Serv ice and Exempt ions . I oversee our Customer Serv ice Depar tment and make sure al l exempt ions are implemented proper ly . How long have you been employed by the PA? I have worked at the Nassau County Proper ty Apprai ser ’ s of f ice for almost 21 years . Before tak ing the Di rector pos i t ion I was the of f ice’ s Data Informat ion Manager , where I worked wi th var ious depar tments to ver i fy our data was accurate for tax rol l purposes . Thi s coming January , I wi l l have worked for 5 proper ty apprai sers . From the late James Page to the upcoming proper ty apprai ser elect , Kev in L i l ly . What do you l ike most about your job? I real ly enjoy work ing wi th the publ ic , and educat ing them in every way poss ible, on how we are here to ass i st them. I bel ieve in being t ransparent and creat i ve in the ways our team can prov ide great customer serv ice.

What are your hobbies and interests outside your job? I enjoy spending t ime wi th my fami ly , t ravel ing, going to Jacksonv i l le Jaguars games , and at tending my 13 year old son’ s footbal l /AAU basketbal l games wi th my husband, Corey . What was your best vacat ion ever? I absolutely love tak ing crui ses . Going anywhere in the Car ibbean i s a favor i te of mine. What is some career advice you have been given? “To begin wi th the end in mind. ” The Honorable Mi ke Hickox , our cur rent proper ty apprai ser , always encourages us , when mak ing goal s , to star t our planning wi th what we want the resul t to be. That adv ice has real ly helped me achieve my des i red outcome. What part icular mantra do you l ive by? Every day i s a new beginning.




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