Summer 2021 Newsletter
back what you put into it and then some. I hope that you feel the same way when attending FCI- AAO events. Always remember that this is your Chapter. Please feel free to contact me or any of the Executive Board members with any questions, suggestions or concerns. I hope to see all of you in Orlando at the Annual Conference in July.
Please stay safe.
Justin Edwards, AAS, PPS, CFE FCIAAO President 2020-2021
Tax Increment Finance (TIF)- The idea that property taxes, or other revenue, resulting from the increase in a tax base (for example, property values or retail sales) in a specific area can be used to repay the costs of investments in that area. Funds may be invested in various programs, such as public infrastructure improvements or land write-down subsidies to private investors.
So urce: Glossary for Property Appraisal and Assessment.
Summer 2021 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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