Summer 2021 Newsletter
Last call for the 2021 Tony Hodge Educational Award!
The FCIAAO Procedural Rules (as amended) specify eligibility of the award, as follows:
The Tony Hodge Educational Award may be granted to FCIAAO regular members who earn their IAAO designations. The Executive Board shall recognize newly designated members at the successive FCIAAO Annual Conference and may present them with a $500 check. To be eligible, new designees must be a FCIAAO member in good standing for at least 12 consecutive months prior to being awarded their designation and receiving the award. New designees must pro- vide a copy of IAAO’s letter conferring the designation, or a copy of the designation certificate, to the PDC Chairman, or a member of the PDC. Tony Hodge recipients must be registered for the respective annual conference to be eligible to participate in the awards presentation. New designees should email a copy of IAAO’s letter conferring the designation (or certificate) to . It is the designee’s responsibility to provide proof of eligibility. The dead- line to submit is Wednesday, July 21, 2021. Don’t miss out on joining an exclusive group of designated assessment professionals! Hon. Tracy Drake, CFA, CAE, ASA, RES, AAS
Summer 2021 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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