FCIAAO Summer 2023 Newsletter
At the F lor ida Real Estate Apprai sal Board (FREAB) meet ing on June 5, 2023 in Or lando, Kev in Hayes spoke to the group to explain the need to recogni ze mass apprai sal exper ience to meet the exper ience requi rements to obtain a F lor ida State Cer t i f ied Res ident ial or General L icense. Present ly , an indi v idual who i s work ing in a Proper ty Apprai sal Of f ice cannot use the hours they spend complet ing var ious apprai sal act i v i t ies to meet the requi s i te exper ience hours . To obtain a F lor ida Apprai sal L icense, ei ther Res ident ial or General , there are a number of condi t ions that must be met which include educat ion, exper ience and successful ly pass ing a State Exam. Acqui r ing the educat ion i s not an i ssue, however , wi thout the recogni t ion of exper ience hours , those who work in the mass apprai sal f ield cannot at tain a l icense. Undeniably , thi s indust ry has seen very l i t t le growth in the number of indi v idual s want ing to enter thi s f ield. The Apprai sal Qual i f icat ion Board (AQB) which oversees the standards for apprai ser qual i f icat ions nat ional ly , has had to rev i s i t these standards in order to br ing more people to the indust ry . Wi th the recent pass ing of the Pract ical Appl icat ions of Real Estate Apprai sal (PAREA) ,
which prov ides another pathway for aspi r ing apprai sers to ful f i l l thei r exper ience requi rements instead of the t radi t ional superv i sor/t rainee model , many bel ieved thi s was the mass apprai sal communi ty ' s oppor tuni ty to star t the conversat ion wi th FREAB. "PAREA i s just not a v iable opt ion for our staf f to obtain exper ience credi ts , " stated Kev in Hayes . "Much of what we do in our of f ices to create a tax rol l every year are the same act i v i t ies fee apprai sers are complet ing in thei r work . And to be honest , our staf f gets exposure to a wider var iety of proper ty types , which may not be the case in the fee wor ld. " By the end of the di scuss ion, the Board recogni zed the oppor tuni ty to get more people cer t i f ied and l icensed by opening up the exper ience credi t to mass apprai sers . Now the work begins to come up wi th what those parameters look l i ke. They wi l l be tak ing our input to help in creat ing thi s exper ience f ramework . SO STAY TUNED!
Kevin Hayes , MAI , CAE
SUMMER 202 3
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