2020 Winter Newsletter

2019-2020 FCIAAO



Hopefully this message finds you all well in this New Year. By now, things have proba- bly settled down, with the kids back in school and everyone back to work. I am thankful for the time off, but really do look forward to getting back to work and into my routine. Since my last message to you, your board has been working to complete our strategic plan. We had a one day meeting in Kis- simmee (big thanks to the Honorable Katri- na Scarborough for the use of her facilities)

PRESIDENT Pat Alesandrini, MAI, SRA, CAE, RES, CFE Chief Deputy Hillsborough County


Justin Edwards, AAS, PPS, CFE Office Operations Supervisor Putnam County


Pat Alesandrini, CAE, RES, MAI, SRA, CFE

Wendy Sapp, AAS, CFE Administrative Analyst II Alachua County

and then two follow up meetings by phone and another at the Personal Property Seminar. Well, the strategic plan is in place and ready for dis- tribution. This is a living and breathing document to provide ongoing direction to future board and committee members as they make deci- sions for our chapter. A copy of the strategic plan can be found on our web site. If you click on the “ About ” tab, you will find our Vision State- ment, Mission Statement, Core Values, Strategic Plan, FCIAAO Proce- dural Rules , and our FCIAAO By-Laws . Please take time to read and get to know our organizational documents. We have begun the process of replacing our outdated electronic equip- ment on an ongoing basis. An inventory and report was made to the board, who took action on this process. Our Florida Chapter once again, received the Chapter/Affiliate of the Year Award and the Virginia Cup , by a very wide margin. It is a testi- mony to the dedication of our members and your hard work in pursuing professional designations in IAAO. Congratulations to all new design- ees, their Property Appraiser, and staff that supported you in your ef- forts. We voted to make a few minor changes to our procedural rules. Some of these changes were housekeeping, such as references to the interna- tional organization. Other items included making the Professional Des- ignations Committee a standing committee and not a special commit- tee. This action is in keeping with our Mission Statement and Core Val- ues of our strategic plan. An additional change was the development of a classification of Task Forces. The concept of the task force is being taken from the IAAO International and the intent is very specific. The task force is a specialty group created, only when needed, by the execu- tive board to carry out a specific task or to do research and advise. The task force is only in operation for a specific time frame and once their assigned task is completed, the task force disbands. It is very timely and allows for the collection of experts in a particular area to come to- gether without a lengthy time commitment. We are looking forward to


Christopher D. Mitts, PPS, CFE Senior TPP Appraiser St. Lucie County


Kenny Pennington, CFE, CBC Chief Deputy Osceola County


Dee Dee Harnish, AAS, RES, CFE Director, Valuation Services Monroe County


Kevin D. Hayes, MAI, CAE, RES, CFE Deputy of Appraisals Pinellas County


Wynta Loughrey, RES, CFE Assistant Residential Valuation Manager Sarasota County


A. Renee Large, AAS, EA, CFE Director Administrative Services Clay County


Katie C. Grasso, AAS, CFE Administration Services Manager Seminole County


Winter 2020 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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