2019 Winter Newsletter
Here in the Florida Chapter of IAAO, we take pride in recog- nizing the individual achievements of our members in the assessment industry. FCIAAO members are encouraged to Nominate fellow members for the Member of the Year Award and Lifetime Achievement Award . All nomina- tions are voted upon by the FCIAAO Executive Board. Nomi- nations must be submitted to the FCIAAO Vice President at least 60 days prior to the FCIAAO Annual Conference. Must be a FCIAAO Regular, Subscribing or Associate Mem- ber (in good standing) who has made a significant contribu- tion to the realization of the FCIAAO mission in his or her career. The recipient shall receive complimentary registra- tions (non-transferable) to the TPP Seminar and FCIAAO Annual Conference immediately succeeding the conferring of the award. Member of the Year - Submit Nomination
2017-2018 FCIAAO President Tracy Drake presenting Doug Will his Lifetime Achievement Award
2018 Winner - Will Sheperd, Esq.
Lifetime Achievement Award - Submit Nomination
Must be a FCIAAO Regular, Subscribing or Associate Member (in good standing with at least 15 years of FCIAAO membership) who has made significant contributions to the Chapter through active partic- ipation in its activities and who has made an outstanding contribution to the realization of the FCI- AAO mission in his or her career. The recipient shall receive complimentary life FCIAAO membership and registrations (non-transferable) to the TPP Seminar and FCIAAO Annual Conference immediately succeeding the conferring the award.
2018 Winner - Hon. David Nolte, CFA, ASA 2018 Winner - Hon. Villie M. Smith, CFA, ASA 2018 Winner - Douglas A. Will, CAE, AAS, CFE
Get your Passports ready! Next year’s IAAO Annual Conference will be held September 8th through the 11th, 2019 at Niagara Falls in On- tario, Canada!
Winter 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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