2019 Summer Newsletter

2019 FCIAAO Summer Newsletter

Florida Chapter of IAAO

Summer 2019

Staying Appraised


On September 8-11 in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada the IAAO will host its 85th Annual Conference. More than 115 educational sessions will be offered over three days. Some of our very own Florida Chapter members will be presenting:


• Honorable Dorothy Jacks, CFA, AAS, Palm Beach County

President’s Message……………….2

• Honorable Greg Brown, CFA, Santa Rosa County

TPP Seminar………………………….4

FCIAAO Comm. News…………….5

• Chapter President Patrick Alesandrini, CAE, RES, MAI, SRA, CFE, Hillsborough County

County Spotlight……………………6

IAAO Education Calendar……….7

• Will Shepherd, Esq., CFE, Hillsborough County

Prof. Des. Spotlight………………8-9

• Melissa Lombardo, CAE, Sarasota County

Help needed!.........……………….10

Pam Lamb, RES, Palm Beach County

Member Spotlight…….................11

• Terry Taylor, CAE, AAS, RES, Orange County

Scholarship winners……………...12

Board at work……………………..13

Prof. Des. Committee…………….14

The 2019 Florida Chapter TPP seminar will be held in Kis- simmee at the Embassy Suites from 12/11-12/13. Conference and hotel registration is available now at FCIAAO.org with agenda details coming soon. The 2020 Florida Chapter conference is slated for the week of 4/26-5/1 in Fort Lauderdale at the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Mari- na. The Executive Board looks forward to seeing you at some of these excellent educational events.

Procedural Rule Changes…..…..15

Job Opportunities………...………16


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

2019-2020 FCIAAO



As we move through these summer months, I am hoping that everyone is staying dry, dur- ing what has turned out to be one of the wet- test Julys in Florida history. However, this summer has flown by and as I write this newsletter, schools are already back in ses- sion. Your board was hard at work this summer, and we had a retreat in Orlando for the pur- pose of working on our upcoming confer- ences and educational offerings. We stayed

PRESIDENT Pat Alesandrini, MAI, SRA, CAE, RES, CFE Chief Deputy Hillsborough County


Justin Edwards, AAS, PPS, CFE Office Operations Supervisor Putnam County

Pat Alesandrini, CAE, RES, MAI, SRA, CFE


Wendy Sapp, AAS, CFE Administrative Analyst II Alachua County

at the retreat a little longer than usual this year, focusing on instituting a strategic plan for our organization. We worked on a five year plan, which is helping us to have a centralized focus for the present, and also for future boards. It was a great time of sharing ideas and working to- gether to further our mission. Be looking for the publication of our stra- tegic plan, as soon as it is completed. As part of our discussions, we reviewed our electronic equipment and determined that some items are well past their dates to be retired from “frontline” service. An inventory was taken and we have established a process for on-going replacement of equipment. This yearly analysis will assist in keeping costs down and ensure our equipment and presen- tations remain at the highest professional level. We have all experienced the increased cost of living in recent years, and our organization is no exception. Following our meeting with the Prop- erty Appraisers attending the FCIAAO Conference in St. Petersburg this spring, we felt it was their desire, as is your Board’s, for our organiza- tion to continue to provide professional services in a quality environ- ment that are relevant to our current needs in the industry. In reviewing our fees, it was unanimously decided to increase all levels of member- ship by $5.00 per year. Our goal is to be good stewards of our finances and remain strong in all areas of operations. In an effort to be completely transparent, our FCIAAO Board minutes are available for our membership to read. The Board Minutes are locat- ed on our website and available to members after logging in. In addi- tion, any and all FCIAAO Board Meetings are, and will continue to be, open to our membership. If a member wishes to address the Board at any meeting, he or she must submit a request to the Secretary at least one week prior to the meeting. Our next official board meeting will take place on the evening of December 10, 2019 during the TPP Conference in Kissimmee. The 2019 FCIAAO TPP Seminar will be held in Kissimmee, FL at the Embassy Suites Hotel, December 11 through December 13, 2019. Op-


Christopher D. Mitts, PPS, CFE Senior TPP Appraiser St. Lucie County


Kenny Pennington, CFE, CBC Chief Deputy Osceola County


Dee Dee Harnish, AAS, RES, CFE Director, Valuation Services Monroe County


Kevin D. Hayes, MAI, CAE, RES, CFE Deputy of Appraisals Pinellas County


Wynta Loughrey, RES, CFE Assistant Residential Valuation Manager Sarasota County


A. Renee Large, AAS, EA, CFE Director Administrative Services Clay County


Katie C. Grasso, AAS, CFE Administration Services Manager Seminole County


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


tional pre-seminar educational offerings will be available and those titles will be provided as soon as they are finalized. The 2020 FCIAAO Conference will be held April 29 through May 1, 2020 at the Hilton Ft. Lauderdale Marina. This is a beautiful facility and should provide us with a spectacular experience. Optional edu- cational offerings will take place prior to the conference and those titles will be made available in Jan- uary. I look forward, along with your Board, to continue to serve all of our members as we progress through this year. Please watch for emails as we provide access to our new strategic plan and the course con- tents for our upcoming conferences.

Pat Alesandrini, CAE, RES, MAI, SRA, CFE

FCIAAO Chapter President


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Mark your calendars… the 2019 TPP Seminar will be held on December 11 - 13, 2019 at the Embassy Suites, Lake Buena Vista South in Kissimmee.

This year we will be offering two Workshops prior to the TPP Seminar. The TPP Seminar will include educational sessions provided by our TPP Steering Committee. You can find more information and register for the TPP Seminar on our website HERE .

The Hotel room rate is $125/night (single/double) plus $8/night self-parking. You can make hotel reservations HERE .

Workshop offerings and Seminar Agenda to follow soon, so keep watching your e-mail inbox for more info!


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


The FCIAAO Executive Board understands that volunteers are the life blood of any professional non-profit organization. Serving on a committee gives membership the opportunity to serve and help shape and direct the paths of the organization. The Executive Board would like to thank the 2018-19 Committee members for their hard work, effort, and support of the Florida Chapter. Without your help we wouldn’t be able to put on such informative and educational presentations at the TPP Seminar and Annual Conference. As Vice President of the Chapter, I serve as the liaison between the FCIAAO Com- mittees and the Executive Board. One of my duties in this role is to present the

Justin Edwards, AAS, PPS, CFE

list of committee candidates for consideration by FCIAAO President Pat Alesandrini. I’m pleased to report to you, as pursuant to FCIAAO Procedural Rules, President Alesandrini has made the following 2019-2020 FCIAAO Committee Appointments:

Real Property Steering Committee Terry Taylor, CAE, RES, AAS, CFE (Chair) - Orange County Lainie Claudio, CFE, MBA - Marion County Gregg M. Goldberg, RES, CFE - Palm Beach County Dain Bufe, CAE, CFE - St Johns County Faith Dangerfield, CFE - Charlotte County Mike Russo, RES, AAS, CFE - Monroe County Tangible Personal Property Steering Com- mittee Nils Hallberg, CFE (Chair) - Pasco County Steve Weissman, RES, CFE - Palm Beach County Grace Pope, PPS, CFE - Orange County Gwen Klaiber, CFE - Citrus County

Administrative Steering Committee Gina Fletcher, AAS, CFE (Chair) - Leon County Opal Hudson, CFE, CSM, CPM - Hillsborough Coun- ty Gwen Brooks, AAS, CFE - Pinellas County Katie Hogan-Price, St Lucie County Christine Centazzo, CFE - Palm Beach County Professional Designation Committee Tracy Drake, CAE, ASA, RES, AAS, CFE (Chair) - Clay County CAE Advisors: Pat Alesandrini, CAE, RES, MAI, SRA, CFE - Hills- borough County Kevin Hayes, CAE, RES, MAI, SRA, CFE - Pinellas County RES Advisors: Camille Smith, CAE, RES, MAI, MBA, CFE - Orange County Terry Taylor, CAE, RES, AAS, CFE - Orange County AAS Advisors: Melody Kikkert, AAS, RES, CFE - Hillsborough County Katie C. Grasso, AAS, CFE - Seminole County CMS Advisor: Rebecca Glazer, CMS, CFE – Pinellas PPS Advisors: Justin Edwards, AAS, PPS, CFE - Putnam County Christopher Mitts, PPS, CFE - St Lucie County

Deborah MacDonald, CFE - Duval County Craig Lycan, PPS, CFE - Alachua County

IT/GIS Steering Committee Chris Weiss, CFE (Chair) - Hillsborough County

Abee Moses, CFE - Palm Beach County Tara Prince, CCF - Charlotte County

Exemptions Steering Committee Kathy Rhodes, CFE (Chair) - Palm Beach County Lyn Andrzejewski, Sarasota County Angela Paulauskas, CFE - Alachua County Janine Hicks, CFE - Indian River County Alison Martin, CFE - Osceola County

The primary responsibility of the steering committees is to develop agendas for the annual conference, workshops and seminars. Contact information for each committee member is available on the Chap- ter’s website . Please share any conference presentation suggestions or ideas.


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Our residents and guests enjoy our idyllic location year-round. Indian River County, Florida offers the best of both worlds: a desirable location for business and pleasure with a balance that helps build business in the sun.

The unique setting of Indian River County makes us the perfect destina- tion for thousands of visitors and seasonal guests each year. Our 543 square miles contain beautiful white sandy beaches, groves of renowned Indian River citrus, immaculate oceanfront estates and riverfront com- munities plus an array of recreational and eco-friendly adventures for families. Our balmy winters combine with the summer’s fresh ocean breezes to keep our average temperature a comfortable 74 degrees, per- fect for swimming, golf or tennis year-round. Add our museums, thea- tres, restaurants, night spots and shopping and you have an ideal place for an incomparable vacation or home. Indian River County includes the cities of Vero Beach, Indian River Shores, Sebastian, Orchid and Fellsmere. We are home to Piper Aircraft, Historic Dodgertown, The Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge and is the heart of the internationally recognized Indian River Citrus region. Indian River County is also an environmentally aware community graced with our crown jewel, the Indian River and the Indian River Lagoon Estuary. The arts, culture and education come alive in this paradise we call home. Riverside Theater, the exten- sive Museum of Art, Indian River State College, The Environmental Learning Center and highly rated public, charter and private schools offer a wide variety of educational and cultural experiences. Hon. Wesley Davis Property Appraiser

Real Property Parcels


Tangible Accounts


Just Value


Taxable Value





Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


IAAO 300—Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal

Miami | Sept 30-Oct 4

IAAO 311 - Residential & Commercial Modeling Concepts

Miami | Oct 21-Oct 24

The Miami-Dade County Office of the Property Assessor sponsors the offerings listed above. For more details, contact Constance Toulon (305) 375-1210 or ctoulon@mdcpa.net

IAAO 300—Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal

Orlando | Nov 4-8

The Orange County Property Appraiser sponsors the offering listed above. For more details, contact Francis Luciano (407) 836-5277 or fluciano@ocpafl.org

IAAO 102 - Income Approach to Valuation

Lake Mary | Dec 9-13

IAAO 300—Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal

Lake Mary | Dec 9-13

IAAO 334 - Mass Appraisal for Income Properties

Lake Mary | Dec 9-13

IAAO 402 - Tax Policy

Lake Mary | Dec 9-13

The Florida Department of Revenue/Property Tax Oversight Program sponsors the offerings listed above. For more details, contact Meghan Miller (727) 588-6856 or Meghan.miller@floridarevenue.com

IAAO 102 - Income Approach to Valuation

West Palm Beach | Dec 9-13

The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser sponsors the offerings listed above. For more details, contact Mike Pratt (561) 355-4021 or mpratt@pdbgov.org


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Name: Neil ‘Nick’ Nikkinen

County: Marion

Position: Assistant Property Appraiser

Describe your appraisal/assessment experience. I’ve always loved real estate. I started selling real estate in central Florida in 1985. Working with buyers and sellers to find that perfect property was very satisfying. It could be very challenging at times, but always satisfying! Around the same time, I began appraising property under my real estate salesman license. I prepared eminent domain appraisals for local taxing au- thorities when they wanted to widen a road or buy land for a park. When the government has the legal authority to condemn private property, accurate

Neil ‘Nick’ Nikkinen, MAI, CAE, AAS, CFE

appraisals are essential. I strove to provide the most fair and equitable appraisal I could for all par- ties involved. Occasionally, the parties did not agree and I had to testify in circuit court as to the val- ue I arrived at and damages I estimated. In 1992 I became a Florida State-Certified General Real Estate Appraiser and began working with an appraisal firm and prepared commercial appraisals for lending institutions to secure mortgage loans. I did that for a few years until being offered a job at the Hernando County Property Apprais- er’s office as the Director of Commercial Properties and GIS Mapping in 1995 for the Honorable Les Samples. This job offered an exciting challenge moving from single property appraisal to mass ap- praisal modeling. Over the next 15 years in Hernando County I was promoted to Chief Deputy over- seeing daily office operations and Director of Special Projects charged with developing a countywide enterprise GIS mapping system and a central addressing department. This system has evolved to be one of the preeminent in central Florida. In 2009 I remarried and moved to Ocala, Florida the “Horse Capital of the World”. I ended my ser- vice to Hernando County in 2010 attempting to find a calling closer to my Ocala home. This was a time period of economic rebuilding after the Great Recession and since the Honorable Villie Smith wasn’t hiring in Marion County, I accepted the position of Director of Real Property Assessment in Putnam County for the Honorable Tim Parker. I served Putnam County for three years before ac- cepting an offer from the Honorable Rick Singh in Orange County to be his Deputy Director of Real Estate Assessment. After seven years of working out of the county that I called home, in 2016 I had the opportunity to join the Marion County Property Appraiser’s office as one of the Assistant Property Appraisers. My focus for the time in Marion County has been in commercial valuation and the stratification and mass modeling of commercial land. I am fortunate to work with a great team of people who know the history of Marion County properties and use that knowledge to develop fair and equitable assess- ments. As always in my career, the task has been challenging at times, but always very rewarding!

Why did you pursue the CAE designation?

Obtaining the CAE was a natural progression from the MAI as it is similarly the highest designation available for mass appraisal as the MAI is for single property appraisal. The reciprocity process that IAAO has adopted to confer designations for similar privately held designations is seamless and ex- tremely beneficial.


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

What advice/suggestions would you give to someone considering an IAAO designa- tion?

Get one, or even better more than one! If you have the support of your Property Appraiser, there’s no reason not to. It will be a grueling adventure, but one that you can be very proud of.

During your FCIAAO Presidency, you were instrumental in re-energizing the commit- tees. What are your thoughts on the number of Tony Hodge recipients in recent years?

When you look at the history of the Tony Hodge award, it was only a few short years ago that awards were given to just a handful of staff. Now, in recent years the numbers have grown dramatically to when in 2019 an astonishing 32 dedicated staff received various designations! Having more profes- sional, designated and dedicated staff developing assessments, making cadastral maps and adminis- tering property tax laws is a tremendous benefit to their respective counties and the constituents that they serve. I am proud to have been part of that. What is your favorite vacation and/or hobbies you enjoy? It’s hard to pick one vacation spot over another. I have fond memories of every place that my wife and I have visited. We love to travel and experience new cuisines and cultures wherever we are, and then try to replicate meals and share our experiences with family and friends at our home in Ocala. I also enjoy photography and am still competing with my wife who was a professional photographer in the days of film, about the best composition and exposure for a scene. Invariably she wins most of the time, but I keep trying!

If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive) who would that be? Why?

I would like to have dinner with Jesus on this side of heaven. I have a lot of questions I know He could answer.


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


The 2020 FCIAAO Annual Conference will be here before we know it, and we need your help finding presenters! With the addition of the Admin Track, we have a variety of new topics that can be covered. Based on post conference feedback, some topics requested by members include: Highest & Best Use Deeds and Probate Triple Net Leased Properties

Solar Appraisal


VAB Preparation

Technology in the Field

Human Resources

Affordable Housing

If you are interested in participating or discussing potential topics, please reach out to one of our Steering Committee members. A huge thank you to past and future presenters, we wouldn’t be able to do this without you!


Coefficient of Dispersion (COD) - The average deviation of a group of numbers from the median expressed as a percentage of the median. In ratio studies, the average percentage deviation from the median ratio.

Source: Glossary for Property Appraisal and Assessment.


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Name: Cindy Jeffcoat

County: Osceola

What do you do for the PA? I am the Director of Customer Service & Exemptions

How long have you been employed by the PA? I have been with the office for 31 1/2 years

What do you like most about your job? I enjoy dealing with customers that visit our office. Our Customer Ser- vice & Exemptions Team are an amazing group of people. I am very proud of all of their accomplishments every day.

Cindy Jeffcoat

Where was your first job? I was a server at Western Sizzlin Steak House part-time while still in school.

Where were you born? Sevierville, Tennessee

Where was your best vacation ever? I have had several but my favorite are our yearly trips to Marathon for fishing & fun time with the family. We make it a weeklong event each year. What are your hobbies? I love outdoor things like swimming, boating & fishing and working in my yard. I adore spending time with my grandbabies.

What do you plan to do when you retire? We are planning to travel a bit out west and do an Alaska trip.

What advice would you give new employees? Work hard and learn all you can. You never know what doors may open up. Working at OCPA has been a great experience for me.


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


The Florida Chapter IAAO is pleased to announce the scholarship recipi- ents for the 85th Annual IAAO International Conference; Cyndi Capps (Manatee), Michael Daly (Pinellas), Melodie Winkler (Pinellas) and Bruce Wright (Pinellas). To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must be a chapter member in good standing, be an IAAO member in good standing, complete a state- ment of need and have approval from his or her direct supervisor. The FCI- AAO is proud to support those members in need who may not otherwise

have the opportunity to attend a national conference.

There were a lot of applicants this year and the Executive Board had some very hard decisions to make when awarding these scholarships. We were also pleasantly surprised when Pinellas County agreed to supplement our scholarships so that an additional appraiser from their county would get to go.

Congratulations and we look forward to seeing you in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada!


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO




Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


The FCIAAO Executive Board understands that the strength and diversity of our Chapter lies with the volunteers, committees and interaction among our members. I am pleased to report that pursuant to FCIAAO Procedural Rules, President Alesandrini has appointed the following members to the Professional Designation Committee:


Tracy Drake (Clay)

CAE Advisors:

Tracy Drake, CAE, ASA, RES, AAS, CFE

Pat Alesandrini (Hillsborough) Kevin Hayes (Pinellas)

RES Advisors:

The Virginia Cup is an annual award given by the IAAO to the state with the most members receiving an IAAO Professional Designation (from July 1 to June 30). Florida has won this prestig- ious award eight (8) times (2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2018). It appears that we have a great opportuni- ty to win it again. The winner will be an- nounced at the IAAO Annual Confer- ence in Niagara Falls.

Camille Smith (Orange) Terry Taylor (Orange)

AAS Advisors:

Melody Kikkert (Hillsborough) Katie Grasso (Seminole)

PPS Advisors:

Justin Edwards, (Putnam) Christopher Mitts (St. Lucie)

CMS Advisor:

Rebecca Glazer (Pinellas)

The Tony Hodge Educational Award may be granted to FCIAAO regular members who earn their IAAO designation. The Executive Board shall recognize newly designated members at the suc- cessive FCIAAO Annual Conference and may present them with a $500 check. To be eligible, a new designee must have been an FCIAAO member in good standing for at least 12 consecutive months prior to being awarded his or her IAAO designation and receiving the award. Award recipients must be registered for the annual conference to participate in the awards program.

I hope to call your name at next year’s FCIAAO conference! Please email a copy of IAAO’s letter con- ferring the designation to me ( tdrake@ccpao.com ).


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

Ad used with permission from IAAO.

IAAO Procedural Rule Changes:

Case Study Examinations (Rule A candidate failing a Case Study Examination is permitted to retake it after thirty (30) days. If the candidate fails the re-examination, then he or she must successfully complete IAAO courses that reflect weak points from the examinations before any subsequent attempt at the Case Study Ex- amination toward any designation. The Professional Designation Subcommittee will review the failed examination and determine a remedial action plan for the candidate specifying which IAAO course(s) must be successfully completed. Self-study of specified topics and/or courses may also be prescribed in addition to or in lieu of course completion. Rule A candidate will have no more than three attempts at the Case Study Examination. If the candi- date’s third attempt is unsuccessful, they must complete another accepted project towards that designation. Rule Recertification requirements apply to all IAAO professional designees. The official recertification date shall be December 31 of the last year in each recertification cycle. Recertification cycles begin the January 1 immediately following the date the designation is conferred and extended for five (5) consecutive years. Rule Recertification cycles beginning on or after January 1, 2009, and in five (5) year cycles thereafter, require the designee with one or more designations to receive a minimum of seventy (70) tested or untested credit hours for professional designation recertification. Inclusive with the (70) credit hours are those hours required within sections 10.11.3, 10.11.4, and 10.11.5 of these Procedural Rules. IAAO Procedural Rule Reminder:


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO


Position Available


Abstract Mapping Specialist

Brevard County

Valuation Specialist I

Brevard County

Senior Appraiser


Senior Cadastralist

Duval County

TPP Specialist

Martin County

Appraiser II

Pinellas County

Commercial Appraiser

Polk County

Residential Appraiser

Polk County

GIS Specialist

St Lucie County

St Lucie County

Programmer Analyst

Residential Field Appraiser

Sarasota County

Click HERE to view more information on the FCIAAO Employment Opportunities page.

To post a job opportunity on the FCIAAO website, please email your job posting to Justin Edwards, Webmaster. It is the policy of the Chapter to only post job opportunities for member jurisdictions and subscribing member entities.


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

Mission Statement

“To offer relevant educational opportunities in ad valorem appraisal and administration,

and to promote professional development of our members.”

A publication by the Florida Chapter of International Association of Assessing Officers


Summer 2019 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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