2018 Summer Newsletter


FCIAAO Past President Tracy S. Drake, CAE, ASA, RES, AAS, CFE has announced his can- didacy for the IAAO Executive Board - Region 3. In recognition of Tracy’s numerous accomplishments in our profession, demonstration of leadership through this chapter and the IAAO and for his years of dedication to his craft, the Executive Board of the Florida Chapter of IAAO voted and unanimously agreed to support Tracy in running for the IAAO Executive Board.

Candidate Statement:

Tracy S. Drake, CAE, ASA, RES, AAS, CFE

As assessment professionals, we have the responsibility of administering compli- cated property tax systems in an ever-changing environment. As the “global

leader and preeminent source of standards, professional development and research in property appraisal, assessment administration and property tax policy,” it is necessary to diversify and expand the membership by increasing accessibility of education and exploring educational equivalencies. Membership with IAAO should provide value. If elected, I will be fiscally conservative and will strive to ensure that the networking and educational opportunities are relevant and beneficial. My experience as Chair of the Professional Designation Subcommittee and the Education Committee, and President of the Florida Chapter of IAAO, has provided me with the experience necessary to become an IAAO leader.

IAAO Activities: Member since 1998 Chair, Education Committee (2018) Mass Appraisal Helps Earn Public Trust (Fair & Equita- ble, January 2018) Chair, Professional Designations Subcommittee (2017, 2016) Annual Conference Roundtable Moderator (2017, 2016) Member of the Year (2016) Member, Professional Designation Subcommittee (2015, 2014) Member, Councils and Sections Committee (2013) Professional Designation Advisor: CAE, RES, AAS Florida Chapter of IAAO Member since 1997 President (2017) Executive Board (2013-2016) Chair, Professional Designation Committee Anthony Hodge Educational Award (2013, 2009, 2000) President’s Award (2002)

Credentials Accredited Senior Appraiser, American Society of Ap- praisers (2017) Certified Assessment Evaluator (2012) Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration (2017, 2011) Residential Evaluation Specialist (2009) Florida State-Certified General Real Estate Appraiser (2004) Assessment Administration Specialist (2000) Certified Florida Evaluator (1997)

Education Bachelor of Sci- ence in Interdis- ciplinary Stud- ies; University of Central Flori- da


Summer 2018 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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