2018 Summer Newsletter


The FCIAAO Executive Board understands that the strength and diversity of our Chapter lies with the volunteers, committees and interaction among our members. I am pleased to report that pursuant to FCIAAO Procedural Rules, President Grasso has appointed the following members to the Professional Designation Committee:

Chair: Tracy Drake (Clay)

The Virginia Cup is an annual award given by the IAAO to the state with the most members receiving an IAAO Professional Designation (from July 1 to June 30). Flori- da has won this prestigious award seven (7) times (2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2017). It appears that we have a great opportunity to win it again. The win- ner will be announced at the IAAO Annual Conference in Minneapolis.

CAE Advisors: Pat Alesandrini (Hillsborough) Kevin Hayes (Pinellas)

Tracy S. Drake, CAE, ASA, RES, AAS, CFE

RES Advisors: Camille Smith (Orange)

AAS Advisors: Melody Kikkert (Hillsborough) Katie Grasso (Seminole)

PPS Advisors: Brenda Fisher (Alachua) Craig Lycan (Alachua)

CMS Advisors: Rebecca Glazer (Pinellas)

In addition to providing assistance to members who are pursuing IAAO designations, the committee is re- sponsible for recommending conference materials and developing articles for the quarterly newsletters. Con- tact information for each advisor is available on the Chapter’s website. If anyone is interested in serving as an RES or CMS advisor, please let me know. The Tony Hodge Educational Award may be granted to FCIAAO regular members who earn their IAAO desig- nation. To be eligible, new designees must be a FCIAAO member in good standing for 12 consecutive months prior to being awarded their IAAO designation and receiving the award. Award recipients must be registered for the annual conference to participate in the awards program.

I hope to call your name at next year’s conference! Please email a copy of IAAO’s letter conferring the desig- nation to me ( tdrake@ccpao.com ).


Summer 2018 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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