2018 Fall Newsletter

2018-2019 FCIAAO



Greetings! I hope everyone had a great summer and smooth TRIM season. It’s hard to believe it’s official- ly fall in Florida but VAB and football are good re- minders. I just got back from the 84 th IAAO Annual Interna- tional Conference on Assessment Administration that was held September 24-27 in Minneapolis. The con- ference was filled with informative presentations, outstanding networking opportunities, and ven- dors demonstrating their latest and greatest products.


Katie C. Grasso, AAS, CFE Administration Services Manager Seminole County

VICE PRESIDENT Pat Alesandrini, MAI, SRA, CAE, RES, CFE Chief Deputy Hillsborough County

Katie C. Grasso, AAS, CFE


Justin Edwards, AAS, CFE Office Operations Supervisor Putnam County

I was honored to accept the Outstanding Chapter of the Year, the Zangerle Award, and the Virginia Cup on behalf of FCIAAO. Florida was the big winner at the awards luncheon, where our members also received the following:  Immediate Past President Tracy Drake (Clay) received the Professional Designee of the Year Award. Tracy is also a candidate for Region 3 Direc- tor on the IAAO Board and was given the opportunity to speak to attendees briefly at the opening session. (Go Jaguars!)  Will Shepherd (Hillsborough) and Irene Sokoloff (Palm Beach) received the Distinguished Research and Development Award as part of the Special Committee on Big-Box Valuation they serve on  Honorable Rick Singh (Orange) received the Ian W. McClung International Award  Honorable Greg Brown and his staff (Santa Rosa) received the Distin- guished Assessment Jurisdiction Award  Several jurisdictions recertified the Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration (CEAA): Sarasota, Orange, Leon, Seminole (2 nd recertifica- tion)  Honorable Ed Crapo (Alachua) was named one of the first IAAO Fellows  Christine Centazzo (Palm Beach) with Social Media: An Effective Way to Communicate  Honorable Dorothy Jacks (Palm Beach) with Women Who Lead: Real Life Experiences  Gregg Goldberg (Palm Beach) with The Evolution of Co-Op Ownership  Tim Wilmath (Palm Beach) with Supersize Me! The Valuation of Corpo- rate Headquarters  Gregg Brown and Karl Sandell (Santa Rosa) with Rise of the Machines: Drone Technologies  Will Shepherd (Hillsborough) with Double Feature! After Fee Simple & Pretty Vacant  Roger Ross (Orange) with Reach Out  Terry Taylor and Jeff Miller (Orange) with Agriculture in the Land of Amusement Florida continued to steal the show with outstanding presentations from:


Christopher D. Mitts, PPS, CFE Senior TPP Appraiser St. Lucie County


Wendy Sapp, AAS, CFE Administrative Analyst II Alachua County


Dee Dee Harnish, AAS, CFE Director, Valuation Services Monroe County


Kenny Pennington, CFE, CBC Chief Deputy Osceola County


Kevin Johnston, CFE Chief Deputy , Valuation & Tax Roll Hernando County


Kevin D. Hayes, MAI, CAE, RES, CFE Deputy of Appraisals Pinellas County

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Tracy Drake, CAE, ASA, RES, AAS, CFE Assistant Property Appraiser Clay County


Fall 2018 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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