2017 Summer newsletter
2018 FCIAAO TPP Seminar
Coming to Central Florida
in January 2018
location to be announced very soon!
Workshop 553 - Advanced Personal Property Auditing
This workshop expands the understanding of financial records provided in the Basic Personal Property Auditing Workshop and presents advanced discussions of account- ing and auditing theory as it relates to fixed assets. Capitalization techniques will also be discussed. A case study including sample financial records will be used to "discover" fixed assets that may otherwise be hidden from the appraiser. This work- shop includes an exam. Recommended: Course 500 and Workshop 552. IAAO recertification credit: 18.5 hours-2 ½ days
Want to present on a topic at the Seminar or have a suggestion for a top-
ic? Please contact Chris Mitts, TPP Steering Committee Chair at
mittsc@paslc.org or 772-460-3331.
IAAO 400 Assessment Administration 1
July 10-14
IAAO 101 Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal 2
Palm Beach
July 17-21
IAAO 102 Income Approach to Valuation 3
Lake Mary
August 7-11
IAAO 112 Income Approach to Valuation II 3
Lake Mary
August 7-11
IAAO 333 Residential Modeling Applications 3
Lake Mary
August 7-11
IAAO 601 Cadastral Mapping Methods & Applications 3
Lake Mary
August 7-11
1 For details contact Janice Lilly at Orange County Property Appraiser (407) 836-5343 2 For details contact Mike Pratt, (561) 355-4021 or mpratt@pbcgov.org 2 For details contact Meghan Miller at DOR (727) 588-6856 or Click here for information flyer .
Summer 2017 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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