2016 Spring newsletter
FCIAAO has five Florida Representatives who are appointed to work with IAAO and provide a liaison for the State of Florida and IAAO. A meeting is held at the IAAO Annual Conference of State Chapter Reps and Affili- ates. Haylee Rees is the IAAO staff liaison for this group and she coordi- nates quarterly reports and activities to promote IAAO throughout the country and internationally. The FCIAAO State Reps are: Dorothy Jacks, Lainie Claudio, Shelia Crapo, Alice Weinberg and Katie Casey.
IAAO provided banners and collateral materials for the recent confer- ence to promote membership, the IAAO Library, Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Ad- ministration, and the Tampa Annual Conference which includes volunteer opportunities, the fishing and golf tournaments and general information. IAAO President Pete Rodda stopped by the booth to meet members and answer inquiries. Please note that membership in FCIAAO does not include membership in IAAO, however to serve on the Florida Chapter Executive Board you must be an active member. IAAO Mem- bership affords many benefits to assessment professionals. Access the website at www.iaao.org for additional information!
FCIAAO Past Presidents were invited to attend a luncheon on Thursday, April 14th at the An- nual Conference to honor their service. The luncheon was hosted by 2015 President, Alice Weinberg, 2016 President Todd Finlayson, and soon to be installed 2017 President Brian Loughrey. This event is held annually and the now 29 Past Presidents are invited to attend and hear updates on what the chapter has accomplished and what its plans for the future are.
Along with the 2015 – 2017 Presidents in attendance the following were present:
Honorable Villie Smith (1990), Honorable Roger Suggs (2000), Megan Hill (2003), Bruce Strenth (2004), John Griffin (2005), Doug Will (2006), Russell Counts (2010), Sheila Crapo (2012), and Lainie Claudio (2013). Those who could not attend sent their regrets and filled us in on what they are doing. FCIAAO honors their service to this organization and their jurisdictions making this the outstanding professional group it is today.
Spring 2016 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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