2016 Spring newsletter

FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY If you have not noticed, it is political season. Everywhere you look some- one is hammering someone else for something. It does not matter which side of things you come down on, I think that even this somewhat dark cloud has a silver lining. We still live as free people in a great country. There is beauty in nature all around us. We have good food to eat (sometimes too much) and clean water to drink. For most of us life is good. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

Bruce Strenth, CFE

So, you are probably wondering about the silver lining I mentioned earlier. The silver lining to all that noise is the opportunity to stop and consider all of the blessings we have in our lives. I encourage you to turn off the television, the computer and the phone. Go hide for awhile in the back yard or a nearby park. You may find something there that is your silver lining. I recently attended the Past President’s Luncheon during the FCIAAO Conference. What a treat to see and visit with old friends and make some new ones. I was reminded that the Flori- da Chapter is in very good hands. I encourage you to make the most of all Florida Chapter has to offer. In the future there will be additional electronic offerings as well as live seminars, education weeks and conferences. The benefit that comes from networking with others in the assessment profession is immeasur- able. Article Contributor: Bruce Strenth, CFE

Tangible Personal Property, Highlands County

The IAAO Conference will be held in Tampa August 28-31, 2016 Become an IAAO Volunteer and get a reduced rate Click here for details


Spring 2016 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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