2014 Winter Newsletter
The FCIAAO Executive Board and the PDC would like to congratulate the new designees:
Brian Lasher, RES Pinellas County
Kevin Campanaro, RES Pinellas County
Jeff Miller, RES Citrus County
Curtis Crossley, RES Duval County
Brian Oakey, AAS Volusia County
Cynthia Forness, RES Pinellas County
Denise Schmidt, RES Pinellas County
Keith Hall, RES Duval County
James Hammond, RES Pinellas County
The Tony Hodge Award is granted to FCIAAO members who earn their IAAO designation. At the 2014 FCIAAO Annual Conference in Fort Lauderdale, the Executive Board will recognize the hard work of new designees and present them with a $250 check! To be eligible, new designees must be a FCIAAO member in good standing for 12 months prior to being awarded their IAAO designation. New designees should email a copy of IAAO‟s letter conferring the designation to Michael Chaves ( mmc@miamidade.gov ).
Kevin Hayes Zulma Hollar Judy Malarkey
Keith Alexander Chris Brewer Gwendolyn Brooks Christian Cao Barry Dunmire Joseph Federico Gregg Goldberg Matthew Graves Robert Grota Dionne Harnish
Michael McKinley Carolyn Munsell
Joseph Russo Thomas Wells Lisa Wright Byron Thomas Nik Cutrell
The PDC is compiling a list of Florida Designation Candidates. If you are a candidate, and your name is not listed above, please email Tracy Drake ( tdrake@ccpao.com ).
Winter 2014 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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