2014 Winter Newsletter


2014 Membership Renewal Reminder Electronic membership renewals were sent out in early December. Please pay your dues by January 30, 2014.

Announcing ONLINE Payments! FCIAAO is now accepting major credit cards for renewal and conference payments! Partnering with PayPal, you will able to make secure payments immediately and with no addi- tional fee. Save a stamp, pay online!

Win a Lifetime Membership to FCIAAO!

As a special THANK YOU for paying your membership dues on time, we are giving away a LIFETIME Membership to FCIAAO!! All you have to do is pay your membership renewals by the January 30 th deadline to be entered to win! Contact Katie Casey at katie@scpafl.org if you have any questions .

SURVEY SAYS! The Executive Board would like to thank you for participating in our re- cent „Conference Dates‟ survey. Our current format of holding the annual conference and business meeting in April received the overwhelming ma- jority of votes. We appreciate all of the feedback and look forward to continuing to offer exceptional edu- cational opportunities!

Florida Chapter of IAAO is now on Facebook! Florida Chapter IAAO recognizes the benefit of so- cial media in today‟s tech world. As we continue to make strides in the digital direction, we have re- cently launched our very own Facebook Page! Head over to facebook.com/fciaao and like us! We will be posting event information, links and pic- tures and connecting with our members! It‟s a growing page, so if you have any feedback or post suggestions, please email socialmedia@fciaao.org


Winter 2014 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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