2014 Winter Newsletter
2013-2014 FCIAAO
If you‟re anything like me, I‟m finding it hard to believe that winter (such as it is in Florida) is upon us and 2013 is quickly coming to an end. Several (maybe many) years ago it seemed this time of year offered a bit of a break between finishing one roll and beginning another. Alas, those days are gone as we are challenged with doing more with less
PRESIDENT Neil “Nick” Nikkinen, AAS, CFE Real Estate Assessment Dep. Director Orange County
VICE PRESIDENT Alice Weinberg Community Service Director Seminole County
Neil “Nick” Nikkinen, AAS, CFE
and VAB hearings in many counties extend into the New Year. I wonder what year Miami-Dade is working on? Check out the county spotlight on page 7 where the Honorable Carlos Lopez- Cantera provides some insight into the largest county in the state. Your Florida Chapter has accomplished many things in 2013, al- though some of them are behind the scenes and may be hard for you to immediately see. Your executive board has been hard at work reinforcing the in- ternal framework of the chapter to insure its future success and to ease the transition between current and subsequent board members. The Chapter‟s two newest steering committees, Real Property and IT/GIS, are now in place and will be assisting the executive board to develop specialized tracks for the 2014 Annual Conference. Director Tracy Drake developed a Chapter Committee Handbook for both new and existing committee members to use to familiar- ize themselves with the chapter‟s history, committee goals and responsibilities, and operating procedures. Tracy is now working on developing a policies and procedures manual for the executive board which will outline in detail how to conduct the chapter‟s business. The executive board also revised outdated job descriptions of each Officer and Director‟s responsibilities in order to stay abreast with technological changes and, with member approval, amended the bylaws accordingly. In order to keep all this data in a secure, accessible file system, Membership Director Katie Casey created a Google Docs site for the executive board to store historic minutes, newsletters, finan- cial documents, policies, etc.
Director of TPP St. Lucie County
Chief Deputy Leon County
SECRETARY Brian Loughrey, CFE Administrative Director Sarasota County
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Katie Casey, CFE Senior Projects Administrator Seminole County DIRECTOR Justin Edwards, CFE Office Operations Supervisor Putnam County DIRECTOR Tracy Drake, CAE, RES, AAS, CFE Assistant Property Appraiser Clay County
DIRECTOR Marsha Coleman, CFE Director of Tax Rolls Citrus County
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Lainie Claudio, CFE Assistant Property Appraiser Marion County
Winter 2014 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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