2013 Summer Newsletter
It has been a pleasure to serve as your FCIAAO President this past year and I thank each member for allowing me such an opportunity and the board members for their support during this past year. Being involved with the chapter, getting the chance to network with such a wonderful group of professionals and seeing the commitment of the chapter’s members illuminates why we are the strongest chapter of IAAO.
Lainie Claudio, CFE
We had a fantastic Seminar and 26 th Annual Conference in Sarasota, which provided ex- ceptional meetings and great discussion. I want to thank each steering committee member and the board mem- bers for their contributions to this important part of our mission. As members of the Florida Chapter, you are also resources for each other through the networking and sharing you do at our conferences. Thank you for con- tinuing to share your expertise with your fellow Florida Chapter members. Our goal is to continue to make the Florida Chapter of IAAO a valuable resource for you, and we can only con- tinue our mission with committed volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the chapter’s website for descriptions of the various committees. Being a part of any of the committees is a great networking opportunity and a great way to serve your chapter.
I know the mission of this chapter will continue under the leadership of President Neil “Nick” Nikkinen and the entire FCIAAO board and many great things await the chapter in the future.
I look forward to seeing you and to networking with you at our chapter meetings.
Article Contributor: Lainie Claudio, CFE - FCIAAO Past President
Summer 2013 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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