2013 Summer Newsletter
website and subsequent newsletters for updates. To help us “stay the course”, your execu- tive board met via the web on June 6, and will meet in person Saturday August 2 in Miami for a full day of planning and strat- egy meetings to ensure the continued suc- cess and viability of the chapter. Every Executive Board meeting is open to regu- lar voting members, but in case you can’t make it, please send me your thoughts and observations on how we can improve. Best wishes to each of your offices on a successful Preliminary Roll submission.
Neil “Nick” Nikkinen, AAS, CFE FCIAAO President
PLEASE NOTE : A ballot will be emailed to you to vote on these proposed changes.
( Underlined items are additions) Section 1.4 Memberships
There are three types of memberships available in The Chapter ; REGULAR, SUBSCRIBING and AS- SOCIATE. No membership shall be restrictive on the basis of race, creed, gender or country of national origin, provided however, Subscribing and Associate members will be NON-VOTING members. All chapter members shall be subject to the same code of conduct and ethics as IAAO members.
Section 2.1 Chapter Officers Only members in good standing of IAAO may hold chapter office or serve on the governing body. The governing officers of The Chapter shall be elected by Regular Members in good standing with The Chapter and shall be composed of the following positions: Section 3.1 Nominations and Election of Chapter Officers A Nominating Committee, consisting of at least three but no more than five Regular Members of The Chapter in good standing, shall be selected by the President and confirmed by the Executive Commit- tee. This committee shall nominate at least one candidate for each office to be filled. These nominees shall be Regular Members in good standing with The Chapter , and members of IAAO.
Summer 2013 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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