2013 Summer Newsletter

VP, Nick Nikkinen 2 nd VP, Alice Weinberg Secretary, Todd Finlayson

Treasurer, Doug Will Director, Katie Casey Director, Justin Edwards Director, Tracy Drake Immediate Past President, Sheila Crapo

Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Past President Sheila Crapo announced the nominations as presented by the Nominating Committee (Sheila Crapo, Nick Nikkinen and Lainie Claudio) for the 2013-2014 nominees for the Board of Directors as follows:

President, Nick Nikkinen, Putnam County Vice President, Alice Weinberg, Seminole County Second VP, Todd Finlayson, Saint Lucie County Treasurer, Doug Will, Leon County Secretary, Brian Loughrey, Sarasota County Director, Katie Casey, Orange County Director, Justin Edwards, Putnam County Director, Tracy Drake, Clay County Director, Marsha Coleman, Citrus County

There being no nominations from the floor a motion was made by Hon. Ken Wilkinson to accept the slate of officers as presented. Motion was seconded by Sherry Sherouse and passed by voice vote.

The new Board was sworn in by Ron Anderson President Nick Nikkinen made some brief remarks and presented a gift to outgoing President Claudio. President Nikkinen conducted the drawings for door prizes.

Adjournment There being no further business, a motion was made by Hon. Villie Smith to adjourn the business meeting. The motion was seconded by Ron Anderson and passed by a voice vote.

Transcribed by Todd Finlayson, Saint Lucie County, Secretary


Summer 2013 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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