2013 Spring newsletter
Florida Chapter IAAO was recently well represented at the Kansas City IAAO Leadership Days held the week of February 8th, 2013. Leadership Day atten- dees tackled committee agendas bright and early on Friday morning with fel- low members; a networking luncheon with other IAAO committee members, staff and board members was held mid-day before everyone returned to their meetings. Following IAAO President Rob Turner’s opening remarks at the luncheon, committee members introduced themselves and President Turner introduced his board and IAAO Executive Director Lisa Daniels, IAAO staff and liaisons.
Alice Weinberg
The chairman of each committee diligently prepares in advance a meeting agenda and an IAAO staff member is assigned to each committee. Minutes are taken and later submitted for a report to the IAAO Board of Directors. Throughout the first day, committees met briefly with members of the Board of Directors as they dropped by each meeting for informal remarks and to listen and offer their assis- tance. Members of the Florida Chapter IAAO who are participating as committee members and who were present at the recent Leadership Days include:
Lainie Claudio (Marion County): Member Services Committee
Ed Crapo (Alachua County): ―Super Chair‖
Sheila Crapo (Alachua County): Communications Committee
Tracy Drake (Clay County): Councils and Sections Committee
Colleen Keene (Alachua County): Conference Content Committee
Bill Wadsworth (Affiliate Member) Chair CEAA Committee
Alice Weinberg (Seminole County): Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration Special Committee
“Another objective for Leadership Days is to allow the coordination of ef- forts between committees .”
Over 65 committee members were present for the two day session designed to expedite committee as- signments and allow a face to face opportunity for staff and fellow team members. Chairs communi- cate in advance with their team regarding goals and assignments, and they prepare an agenda to pro- vide specifics regarding the committee’s responsibilities. As mentioned previously, an IAAO staff member is assigned to each of the 13 committees. Another objective for Leadership Days is to allow the coordination of efforts between committees al- lowing a better understanding of each group’s goals. During the Saturday afternoon Wrap-Up Ses- sion, a brief presentation is made to all attendees regarding the results of the committee meetings.
Spring 2013 Newsletter of the FCIAAO
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